Sima Yazdani

Sima Yadzani
Sima Yazdani, B.S.'82, is a senior manager of data and analytics, knowledge discovery at CISCO. She leads teams of data scientists and engineers building AI-guided business solutions used in professional, technical and educational services.

Yazdani has over 35 years of experience in IT, education and health industries. Her passion is delivering smart digital platforms that improve people's lives. Her recent focus is on improving learners' rate of success through a learner-centered, value-based model automating recommendations of personalized knowledge and upskilling modules needed to solve complex technical problems. This approach is based on use of continuous learning analytics, semantic knowledge graphing, cloud and distributed database technologies.

Toward Knowledge Currency Exchange

Friday, November 4
9 to 9:45 a.m.
Kirsch Auditorium, Fetzer Center

In this session, Sima Yazdani shares her career journey, intersection of knowledge engineering and socioeconomic progress.
A hybrid, decentralized and adaptive workplace requires collaboratve team-based functions equipped with solutions for connected conversations, integrated and curated content, unified data analytics and actionable insights. These functions can greatly benefit from AI-guided knowledge discovery platforms that engage knowledge seekers and producers, and harmonize a shared understanding between people and machine.
Domain specific business solutions built on semantic knowledge discovery platforms, with embedded NLP and ML capabilities, automates knowledge engineering with topic harvesting, curation and classification that makes domain knowledge more accessible. These platforms have wide applications in a variety of industries and business use cases.

Plenary session

Friday, November 4
3:35 to 4:35 p.m.
Kirsch Auditorium, Fetzer Center

Join speakers for a panel discussion moderated by Dr. Alan Rea, professor of computer information systems, Western Michigan University.