Lisa Singleterry
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5345 USA
- Ph.D., Michigan State University
- M.S.N., Michigan State University
- B.S.N., Michigan State University
- Certified Nurse Educator (CNE)
- Check my Certification on <a href="" target="_blank" title="Licensing and Regulatory Affairs">LARA</a>
Dr. Singleterry’s practice experience includes working in a 500-bed urban intensive care unit (ICU) and as a medical-surgical/ICU nurse and nurse educator in a 34-bed rural hospital. She has been teaching in the University setting since 2006 with expertise in program and curriculum development; course design; and assessment and evaluation. Her research is focused broadly on the scholarship of teaching and learning. Dr. Singleterry is currently exploring the intentional development of course assignments using directions, audience, purpose, objectives and evaluation (DAPOE) as a framework.