WMU ESL Conference for K-12 Educators

  •  Date: Saturday, May 5
  •  Time: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  •  Location:
    Sangren Hall, WMU Main Campus
    1903 W Michigan Ave
    Kalamazoo, MI 49008

Program description

The conference provides professional learning opportunities for teachers who wish to build knowledge on effective strategies to address the needs of English learners.

There are no prerequisites to attend this conference.

Program credits

Attendees of the program can earn 3 to 5 SCECH credits.


Program fee runs from $15 to $45 depending on whether attendee is an ESL cohort member or not. There is also a $20 fee to have attendee SCECH credits recorded with the State of Michigan.


This program is for teachers and those interested in English as a second language.


For questions, please contact Susan Piazza.