It's time for YOU to study

A student on her laptop sitting on the couch with a WMU Broncos sign hanging on the wall.
Posted by Megan Looker on

It's easy to get overwhelmed when you have final exams, papers and projects all due in a matter of days. But you aren't alone, you have YOU!

The YOU at Western platform is here for moments like these, when you feel like there's too much to do and not enough time to do it, or you simply don't know where to start.

Here are the best tips from YOU at Western for getting ready for final exam week:

Find out where you’re at. Take the Study Habit Inventory assessment to find out what you can add or lose in your routine.

Create a study space. Make it simple, clean and distraction-free.

Reward yourself. Eat a treat, take a longer nap or watch another episode of your favorite show. You’re working in overdrive, treat yourself!  

Take a break. Sometimes you need to let your mind escape from the task at hand for short breaks to help you maintain long-term focus. 

Get help from the pros. The WMU Writing Center is here to help you refine the focus, structure, style and grammar of your writing as well as help you work through every stage of the writing process. 

Take it to the screen. Your classmates are studying too, why not do it together? Meet in a virtual space to quiz each other or connect with your professor during virtual office hours to ask questions.

Use an app for that. Check out productivity apps for your smartphone that shut down alerts and calls while you study. 

Have an end time and routine. Take time for yourself so you can decompress and recharge. Skipping it will only make you miserable. 

Go to bed! Your brain won’t work as well if you don’t sleep.