WMU Women's Network Special Event, Women in Leadership: Compelling Stories of Success
The WMU Women's Network is hosting a special lunch and learn workshop to establish space where female leaders share their personal journeys, overcoming challenges, and key strategies that propelled women to prominent positions, aiming to inspire and equip aspiring women leaders with practical insights and motivation to navigate their own career paths.
This workshop, Women in Leadership: Compelling Stories of Success, is facilitated by special guest speaker, CharMaine Hines, EdD, Vice Chancellor, Academic Accountability and Policy at Wayne County Community College District. Building on the Mission of the MI-ACE, the speaker will facilitate open dialogue where participants gain knowledge about navigating specific challenges, developing leadership skills, and balancing personal and professional life.
A complimentary lunch will be provided. This event is open to WMU faculty and staff. RSVP by March 14; seating is limited to the first 50 registrants.
WMU Women's Network Presents, Women in Leadership: Compelling Stories of Success
Friday, March 21, from 12 to 1:30 p.m.
Room 0403 (lower level) Dunbar Hall, WMU Main Campus
RSVP by March 14 at forms.office.com/r/KpzbjWHuqK
Direct questions to Malia Roberts or Nikia Hall.
The MI-ACE Women’s Network recognizes that accessing funds for professional development is a potential limitation for some women in the state who wish to attend this conference. To help remedy this, the MI-ACE Women’s Network has created scholarship opportunities to provide supplemental funding to cover the cost of registration and one night of hotel fees for this annual conference.
• Dr. Lynette Findley Annual Conference Scholarship – Award of $350.00 (eligible for applicants attending one day of the MI-ACE Annual Conference)
• Dr. Jacqueline Taylor Lifting Women Scholarship – Award of $500.00 (eligible for applicants attending both days of the MI-ACE Annual Conference)
The fund is designed for individuals whose circumstances make attending the conference a personal hardship. Any person working in a higher education “member institution” in the state of Michigan, may apply. Funding is prioritized for women who receive no institutional support from their home institution. Applications are being accepted until March 21, 2025. Click here to access the scholarship application.
For questions regarding the Conference Scholarship application process, please contact Dr. Amy Radford-Popp, Co-Chair of the Professional Development Committee at radforda@msu.edu.
Fall 2024 Women of Influence Event
MI-ACE Women’s Network Kalamazoo Chapter presents "Women of Influence," on Thursday, Nov. 7 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at the Texas Township Campus of Kalamazoo Valley Community College in Room 4240. The event is sponsored by WMU, KVCC, and Kalamazoo College. It will feature a panel of three distinguished female leaders from each institution, each of whom has made significant contributions to the field of higher education.
The panelists are:
- Candy McCorkle, Ph.D., VP for Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, WMU
- Karen T. Isble, VP for College Advancement, Kalamazoo College
- Paige Eagan, Ph.D., Provost and VP for Instruction and Student Services, KVCC
The three women will share their career journeys, discussing the pivotal moments that shaped their careers and insights into the unique challenges and triumphs they have faced. The discussion will focus on how these influential women can inspire and empower the next generation of female leaders in academia.
In addition to the panel discussion, the free event will include light refreshments and will provide ample time for networking, allowing participants to connect with peers from all three institutions. Event parking is free (no parking permit or registration required). Park at the main entrance near the flagpoles and look for event signage.
Please register by Nov. 4 at forms.office.com/r/6hEq7PeEqi.
The MI-ACE Women’s Network is committed to improving the general climate and professional environment for women by identifying, developing, encouraging, advancing, linking and supporting (IDEALS) women in higher education careers throughout the state.

Fall 2024 Women of Color Collaborative Luncheon
Date/time: November 8, 2024, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
RSVP: gvsu.edu/miace/women-of-color-collaborative-wocc-14.htm
Location: Washtenaw Community College
Event Theme: “Progressing Towards Collective Prosperity”

Save the Date!
The MI ACE Annual Conference will be held on June 16-17, 2025 at the Kellogg Center, Lansing, MI. The conference them is “EmpowerED: Break Barriers and Influence Change.” Registration will open in January 2025. More information to follow.
June 10-11, 2024 | MI ACE Women's Network Annual Conference
Location: Suburban Collection Showplace, 46100 Grand River Avenue, Novi, MI 48374
Please register for the conference here and hotel information and conference updates can be found here.
Attending the conference? Please inform Malia Roberts (malia.roberts@wmich.edu) or Nikia Hall (nikia.hall@wmich.edu) of your registration.
Continue to check the conference webpage for updates at gvsu.edu/miace/conference-network-events-54.htm.
The Network recognizes that accessing funds for professional development is a potential limitation for some women in the state who wish to attend this conference. To help remedy this, the MI-ACE Women’s Network has created scholarship opportunities to provide supplemental funding to cover the cost of registration and one night hotel fee for this annual conference. Any woman working in a higher education institution in the state of Michigan, whose institution is an institutional member of the MI ACE Women’s Network, may apply for financial assistance if they receive no financial support from their institution. .
The two scholarship funds are:
- Dr. Lynette Findley Annual Conference Scholarship - Two (2) Awards of $350.00
- Dr. Jacqueline Taylor Lifting Women Scholarship - Two (2) Awards of $500.00
The application period is now open through May 15, 2024. For details on how to apply, download this form: Annual Conference Scholarship Information.
If you have any questions regarding your registration or need assistance, please email: MIACE-UM-Faqs@umich.edu.
Nourishing Greatness: Personal branding and building your professional portfolio
Wednesday, March 13, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Room #1750 Sangren Hall, WMU Main Campus
RSVP by March 8 at forms.office.com/r/yskB3visii
Attend a special presentation, Nourishing Greatness: Personal branding and building your professional portfolio, hosted by the WMU Women's Network with guest speaker, Martha Grier, former Assistant to the Chancellor for Board and PR at Wayne County Community College District. A complimentary lunch will be provided. RSVP by March 8.
About Martha J. Grier
Lead Co-chair, Professional Development Committee, MI-ACE Executive Board (Emerita)
Wayne County Community College District, Associate Vice Chancellor for Board and Public Relations (Retired)
Martha J. Grier, has served for more than 36 years in the Office of the Chancellor at the Wayne County Community College District managing the daily operations in the Chancellor’s Office, Board of Trustees Office, and all external marketing and public information dissemination for the District. She officially retired as Associate Vice Chancellor for Board and Public Relations in 2014. However, she continues to serve in that role as a contracted employee (Grier Consulting LLC). She has represented the District at the local, state and national level, speaking at conferences and she served as the national conference co-chair for the League for Innovation in 2009. She co-chaired and facilitated sessions at the 2016 American Council on Education (ACE) Regional Women’s Leadership Forum held in Detroit.
Her commitment to women’s issues and literacy is evidenced through her involvement with Executive Women International (EWI) Detroit-Windsor Chapter, where she served as Chapter President in 2001. She is an Emeritus member on the Executive Board of the American Council on Education’s Michigan Women’s Network, and coordinates the Speakers and Consultants Bureau and co-chairs The Young Women Strong Leaders Committee. She currently serves as Moderator (Chairman of the Board) of the Covenant Baptist Church, West Bloomfield, Michigan. She is an avid reader and loves to write. She has published in the “Great Leadership Newsletter” which is circulated to more than eleven hundred community colleges across the nation. At one time, she also served as the Editorial Director for the Newsletter.
Martha has received personal recognition from the YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit as a “Minority Leader of the Year” in 2007; Corp! Magazine as one of the “Diversity Leaders of the Year” in 2008; in 2014, she received the “Success with Significance Award” from the Tree of Life Foundation for her contributions in higher education; and in 2016 she received the “Shaping Lives” award from the Distinguished Women in International Service. Martha is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Social Sciences and Business Administration; and is an alumna of the EWI Leadership Academy.
Tenure with MI-ACE Women’s Network
Martha began her tenure with MI-ACE in 2004 as an Institutional Representative from the Wayne County Community College District. She was immediately appointed to the Executive Board as chair of the newly established Professional Development Committee and served two terms. She later was appointed to the Executive Board as an Emerita Member. She again served on the Professional Development Committee and later became Committee lead co-chair. In 2016, Martha served as Co-Chair of the ACE Regional Forum, co-hosted by Wayne County Community College District and Wayne State University. In 2016, she spearheaded the establishment of the MI-ACE Speakers and Consultants Bureau and serves as its coordinator. In 2020, during a time when all activities of the Network went virtual due to the pandemic, she began to write a weekly web-post of leadership development tips and strategies called “Mentoring Mondays.”
WMU Women's Network Meet and Greet
Tuesday, Dec. 5, from 3 to 4:30 p.m.
Fireplace Lounge on the second floor of the Student Center, WMU Main Campus
RSVP by Dec. 1 at forms.office.com/r/hGEh72N2ys
Led by WMU co-Institutional Representatives, Malia Roberts, Ph.D., Interim Senior Director of Graduate College Enrollment, and Nikia Hall, Administrative Assistant II, Division of Student Affairs, this event is designed to share information about the MI ACE Women's Network and bring women from around the WMU campus together for fellowship with complimentary appetizers and beverages.
Women of Color Collaborative (WOCC)
The WOCC is a nationally recognized program. Over the years, WOCC has evolved and expanded its reach within the Network and plays a significant role during the MI ACE Annual Conference. The first day of the conference is focused on professional development and career sessions related to issues faced by women of color.
Each November, the annual WOCC Luncheon brings together women of color across Michigan to network, share experiences, and celebrate professional accomplishments. Learn more about the WOCC by clicking here.
Equal Pay Day | March 12, 2025
WMU Women's Network
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5242 USA
(269) 387-8210