Best College for Future Leaders
Top 4 in Michigan and top 125 in U.S.
Ranked No. 1 in the MAC
13 conference wins and six NCAA appearances
Top 100
in the nation for 6 grad programs
Research 2 University
1 of 139 institutions designated with high research spending and doctorate production
First Michigan institution
to join the Campus Community Network for viewpoint diversity, open inquiry and constructive disagreement
Rare Accreditation
for top police agencies in Michigan
Bronco basics

34% of students
identify as historically underrepresented or international
0.4% American Indian or Alaska Native
3.0% Asian
7.4% Black or African American
8.0% Hispanic/Latinx
11.9% International
3.6% Multiracial
0.1% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
2.2% Unknown
63.6% White
150+ majors for undergraduate students
Top 10 undergraduate majors
Psychology | Aviation flight science | Finance | Marketing | Biomedical sciences | Aviation management and operations | Aerospace engineering | Accountancy | Mechanical engineering | Computer science

Top 6%
Top program
for sales and business marketing for 17th year
No. 22
supply chain management program in North America
Top talent

Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. Three weeks before each graduation, all graduating students receive an email on behalf of their college dean, department chairperson or program director with a personalized link to the Post-graduation Activity Survey. Nonrespondents receive at least four reminders via email. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on the survey respondents, 2,059 were employed full time, 93 were employed part time, 535 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education, 8 were engaged in military service and 1 was volunteering full time. In addition, 700 of those working full time were satisfied with their job, based on 758 responses, and 1,391 of those working full time had a job related to their degree, based on 1,460 responses. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.

Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on the survey respondents, 2,059 were employed full time, 93 were employed part time, 535 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education, 8 were engaged in military service and 1 was volunteering full time. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.

Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 758 responses from graduates working full time, a total of 700 graduates responded "yes" to the question: "Are you satisfied with your job?" Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.

Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. A total of 1,494 graduates reported having participated in experiential learning, based on 1,615 responses. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.

Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on a total of 1,729 responses from graduates working full time who reported the location of their employer, 1,314 are working in Michigan. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.

Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 1,533 responses, 1,489 graduates responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "I had at least one instructor who made me excited about learning." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.

Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 1,531 responses, a total of 1,405 graduates responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "I felt that my instructors cared about me as a person." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.

Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 1,526 responses, a total of 1,370 graduates responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "My education and experiences as a student at WMU prepared me for my profession." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.

Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. A total of 722 graduates reported their salary for full-time employment. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.

Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. A total of 535 graduates reported they were furthering their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.

Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. A total of 306 graduate students who completed their degree reported their salary for full-time employment. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.

Western Michigan University graduate programs that ranked in the top 100 by U.S. News and World Report were audiology (No. 50 - tie), occupational therapy (No. 79 - tie), rehabilitation counseling (No. 58 - tie), social work (No. 95 - tie), speech-language pathology (No. 66 - tie) and statistics (No. 96 - tie). For the 2023-24 Best Graduate Colleges ranking, U.S. News and World Report evaluated institutions based on two types of data: expert opinion about program excellence and statistical indicators that measure the quality of a school's faculty, research and students. The data for the rankings in all six disciplines came from statistical surveys of 2,225 programs and from reputation surveys sent to approximately 5,766 academics and 10,941 professionals, conducted in fall 2023 and early 2024. To gather the peer assessment data, U.S. News asked deans, program directors and senior faculty to judge the academic quality of programs in their field on a scale of 1 (marginal) to 5 (outstanding). To assess academic reputation in business, education, engineering, law, nursing and medicine, U.S. News also surveyed professionals who hire or work with new graduates. In summer 2023, schools supplied U.S. News with the names of those to be surveyed for peer assessment in fall 2023 and early 2024. Please review U.S. News and World Report for detailed information about Western's graduate program rankings.

Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 909 responses from graduate students who completed their degree, 753 were employed full time, 14 were employed part time and 111 were continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.

Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 531 responses, a total of 506 graduate students who completed their degree responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "I felt that my instructors cared about me as a person." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.

Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 530 responses from graduate students who earned their degree, a total of 494 graduates responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "My education and experiences as a student at WMU prepared me for my profession." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
College and academic program data
of aviation graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 132 responses from College of Aviation graduates, 94 were employed full time, 7 were employed part time, 2 were engaged in military service and 17 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of aviation graduates had instructors who made them excited about learning
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 69 responses from College of Aviation graduates, 67 graduates responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "I had at least one instructor who made me excited about learning." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of College of Health and Human Services graduates participated in experience-driven learning
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. A total of 258 College of Health and Human Services graduates reported having participated in experiential learning, based on 268 responses. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of College of Health and Human Services undergraduates had instructors who made them excited about learning
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 117 responses from College of Health and Human Services bachelor's degree graduates, 116 graduates responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "I had at least one instructor who made me excited about learning." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of College of Engineering and Applied Sciences graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 355 responses from College of Engineering and Applied Sciences graduates, 292 were employed full time, 2 were employed part time and 33 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of College of Engineering and Applied Sciences graduates working full time are satisfied with their job
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 114 responses from College of Engineering and Applied Sciences graduates working full time, a total of 110 graduates responded "yes" to the question: "Are you satisfied with your job?" Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
median starting salary for recent College of Engineering and Applied Sciences graduates working full time
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. A total of 107 College of Engineering and Applied Sciences graduates reported their salary for full-time employment. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of College of Engineering and Applied Sciences graduates participated in experience-driven learning
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. A total of 208 College of Engineering and Applied Sciences graduates reported having participated in experiential learning, based on 213 responses. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
median starting salary for recent master's and Ph.D. College of Engineering and Applied Sciences graduates working full time
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. A total of 19 College of Engineering and Applied Sciences students who earned a graduate degree reported their salary for full-time employment. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of civil and construction engineering graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 28 responses from graduates with a civil engineering or construction engineering degree, 27 were employed full time and 1 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of electrical and computer engineering graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 45 responses from graduates with a degree in computer engineering, electrical engineering, or computer and electrical engineering, 32 were employed full time and 9 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of industrial and entrepreneurial engineering graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 48 responses from graduates with a degree in engineering management, engineering management technology, industrial and entrepreneurial engineering, or industrial engineering, 44 were employed full time and 2 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
median starting salary for recent master's and Ph.D. graduates in mechanical and aerospace engineering working full time
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. A total of 4 students who earned a graduate degree in aerospace engineering or mechanical engineering reported their salary for full-time employment. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of computer science graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 58 responses from graduates with a degree in computer science or cybersecurity, 50 were employed full time, 1 was employed part time and 4 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of chemical and paper engineering graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 51 responses from graduates with a degree in chemical engineering, paper and printing science, or paper engineering, 45 were employed full time, 1 was employed part time and 4 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of WMU Haworth graduates are working or continuing their education quickly after earning their bachelor's degree
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 463 responses from Haworth College of Business bachelor's degree graduates, 356 were employed full time, 21 were employed part time and 59 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of WMU Haworth bachelor's graduates had instructors who made them excited about learning
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 213 responses from Haworth College of Business bachelor's degree graduates, 208 graduates responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "I had at least one instructor who made me excited about learning." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of WMU Haworth students participated in experience-driven learning while earning their bachelor's degree
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. A total of 217 Haworth College of Business bachelor's degree graduates reported having participated in experiential learning, based on 229 responses. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
median starting salary for WMU Haworth bachelor's graduates working full time
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. A total of 111 Haworth College of Business bachelor's degree graduates reported their salary for full-time employment. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of WMU Haworth bachelor's graduates working full time are satisfied with their job
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 111 responses from Haworth College of Business bachelor's degree graduates who are working full time, a total of 107 graduates responded "yes" to the question: "Are you satisfied with your job?" Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of WMU Haworth graduate students felt their instructors cared about them as a person
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 52 responses from Haworth College of Business students who earned a graduate degree, a total of 51 graduates responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "I felt that my instructors cared about me as a person." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of WMU Haworth graduate students are working or continuing their education quickly after earning their degree
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 85 responses from Haworth College of Business students who earned a graduate degree, 71 were employed full time and 9 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
To learn more about career outcomes for Haworth College of Business graduates, visit the WMU Haworth Fast Facts webpage.
of College of Education and Human Development graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 464 responses from College of Education and Human Development graduates, 347 were employed full time, 13 were employed part time and 75 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of College of Education and Human Development undergraduates participated in experience-driven learning
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. A total of 105 College of Education and Human Development bachelor's degree graduates reported having participated in experiential learning, based on 108 responses. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of teaching, learning and educational studies graduates working full time are satisfied with their jobs
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 22 responses from Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Studies graduates working full time, a total of 21 graduates responded "yes" to the question: "Are you satisfied with your job?" Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of College of Fine Arts graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 169 responses from College of Fine Arts graduates, 116 were employed full time, 11 were employed part time and 29 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of College of Fine Arts graduates working full time are satisfied with their job
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 29 responses from College of Fine Arts graduates working full time, a total of 26 graduates responded "yes" to the question: "Are you satisfied with your job?" Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of College of Fine Arts graduates participated in experience-driven learning
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. A total of 93 College of Fine Arts graduates reported having participated in experiential learning, based on 98 responses. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of College of Fine Arts graduates had instructors who made them excited about learning
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 89 responses from College of Fine Arts graduates, 89 graduates responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "I had at least one instructor who made me excited about learning." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of College of Fine Arts graduates felt their instructors cared about them as a person
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 89 responses from College of Fine Arts graduates, a total of 82 graduates responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "I felt that my instructors cared about me as a person." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of College of Fine Arts graduates say their education and experiences at Western prepared them for their profession
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 89 responses from College of Fine Arts graduates, a total of 81 graduates responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "My education and experiences as a student at WMU prepared me for my profession." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of College of Fine Arts graduates had a mentor who encouraged them to pursue their goals and dreams
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 89 responses from College of Fine Arts graduates, 76 graduates responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "I had a mentor who encouraged me to pursue my goals and dreams." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of theatre graduates working full time are satisfied with their job
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 5 responses from Department of Theatre graduates working full time, a total of 5 graduates responded "yes" to the question: "Are you satisfied with your job?" Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of theatre graduates had instructors who made them excited about learning
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 13 responses from Department of Theatre graduates, 13 graduates responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "I had at least one instructor who made me excited about learning." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of theatre graduates say their education and experiences at Western prepared them for their profession
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 13 responses from Department of Theatre graduates, a total of 12 graduates responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "My education and experiences as a student at WMU prepared me for my profession." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of College of Arts and Sciences graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 684 responses from College of Arts and Sciences graduates, 422 were employed full time, 32 were employed part time, 2 were engaged in military service and 200 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of College of Arts and Sciences graduates participated in experience-driven learning
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. A total of 327 College of Arts and Sciences graduates reported having participated in experiential learning, based on 383 responses. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of College of Arts and Sciences graduates working full time were satisfied with their job
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 120 responses from College of Arts and Sciences graduates working full time, a total of 108 graduates responded "yes" to the question: "Are you satisfied with your job?" Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of College of Arts and Sciences graduates working full time are employed in Michigan
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on a total of 329 responses from College of Arts and Sciences graduates working full time who reported the location of their employer, 247 are working in Michigan. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of College of Arts and Sciences graduates had instructors who made them excited about learning
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 359 responses from College of Arts and Sciences graduates, 347 graduates responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "I had at least one instructor who made me excited about learning." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of biological sciences graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 92 responses from Department of Biological Sciences graduates, 42 were employed full time, 5 were employed part time and 39 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of communication graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 79 responses from School of Communication graduates, 55 were employed full time, 5 were employed part time and 16 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of economics graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 16 responses from Department of Economics graduates, 7 were employed full time and 8 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of English graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 48 responses from Department of English graduates, 32 were employed full time, 4 were employed part time and 10 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of geological and environmental sciences graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 23 responses from Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences graduates, 15 were employed full time, 1 was engaged in military service and 5 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of intercultural and anthropological studies graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 11 responses from Institute for Intercultural and Anthropological Studies graduates, 5 were employed full time, 3 were employed part time and 3 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of philosophy graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 9 responses from Department of Philosophy graduates, 3 were employed full time and 6 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of sociology graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 45 responses from Department of Sociology graduates, 32 were employed full time, 3 were employed part time, 1 was engaged in military service and 7 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 22 responses from Department of Spanish graduates, 15 were employed full time, 2 were employed part time and 5 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of statistics graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 55 responses from Department of Statistics graduates, 45 were employed full time, 1 was employed part time and 9 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of psychology graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 155 responses from Department of Psychology graduates, 86 were employed full time, 6 were employed part time and 59 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of environmental, geography and sustainability graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 54 responses from School of Environment, Geography and Sustainability graduates, 40 were employed full time, 3 were employed part time and 9 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of environment, geography and sustainability graduates participated in experience-driven learning
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. A total of 28 School of Environment, Geography and Sustainability graduates reported having participated in experiential learning, based on 30 responses. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of Lee Honors College graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 127 responses from Lee Honors College graduates, 72 were employed full time, 4 were employed part time, 1 was volunteering full time and 48 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of Lee Honors College graduates working full time are satisfied with their job
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 31 responses from Lee Honors College graduates working full time, a total of 30 graduates responded "yes" to the question: "Are you satisfied with your job?" Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of Lee Honors College graduates are enrolled in graduate school
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 127 responses from Lee Honors College graduates, 48 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
median starting salary for Lee Honors College graduates working full time
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. A total of 29 Lee Honors College graduates reported their salary for full-time employment. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of Lee Honors College graduates participated in experience-driven learning
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. A total of 86 Lee Honors College graduates reported having participated in experiential learning, based on 86 responses. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of Lee Honors College graduates had instructors who made them excited about learning
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 86 responses from Lee Honors College graduates, 86 graduates responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "I had at least one instructor who made me excited about learning." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of healthcare services and sciences graduates participated in experience-driven learning
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. A total of 13 healthcare services and sciences graduates reported having participated in experiential learning, based on 13 responses. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of healthcare services and sciences graduates are working or continuing their education
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 18 responses from graduates with a healthcare services and sciences degree, 8 were employed full time, 1 was employed part time and 9 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of healthcare services and sciences graduates had instructors who made them excited about learning
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 11 responses from healthcare services and sciences graduates, 10 graduates responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "I had at least one instructor who made me excited about learning." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
of healthcare services and sciences graduates felt their instructors cared about them as a person
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 11 responses from healthcare services and sciences graduates, a total of 10 graduates responded "agree" or "strongly agree" to the statement: "I felt that my instructors cared about me as a person." Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.
School of Interdisciplinary Health Programs undergraduates are working or continuing their education after earning their degree
Through WMU's 2023-24 Post-graduation Activity Survey of graduates (bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-baccalaureate certificate), the University collected data for a total of 2,859 graduates, or 73%, of those who earned their degrees between August 2023 and June 2024. The data collection cycle ended on Oct. 31, 2024. Based on 68 responses from School of Interdisciplinary Health Programs bachelor's graduates, 17 were employed full time, 1 was employed part time and 29 employed their degree to gain admittance to graduate school or were otherwise continuing their education. Please review the Career Outcomes Report for detailed information about the methodology.