Teaching and Learning Mathematics

Western Michigan University's teaching and learning mathematics program includes coursework focusing on mathematics, student thinking, mathematics teaching techniques and teaching with technology.

This program will provide you with:

  • Field experience opportunities
  • Theoretical understanding of mathematics
  • Secondary mathematics teaching techniques
  • Experiences designed to prepare students to enter post-baccalaureate teacher preparation programs
Beyond the classroom

As a teaching and learning mathematics student at WMU, you will be required to complete field experiences designed to provide you with opportunities to assess student thinking, practice different teaching techniques, assess student understanding, and use technology to deepen student understanding.

After you graduate

Recent WMU graduates with degrees in teaching and learning mathematics are working as:

  • High school mathematics teachers
  • Middle school mathematics teachers

Among the organizations they work for are:

  • Middle and high schools
Where is the program offered?
  • Kalamazoo
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