By the numbers

Name: Sevy Bamany
Major: Accountancy
Class standing: Senior
Hometown: Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Sevy Bamany in black jacket with light gray background

“Numbers have always been a part of my life. I strongly believe that a person who understands and loves numbers has a competitive advantage,” says Sevy Bamany, a senior accountancy major.  Growing up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), he witnessed the negative consequences of a country that has struggled with corruption and financial mismanagement for decades. He decided to major in accountancy at the Haworth College of Business so that he could gain a broad base of knowledge and eventually use his expertise to help his country.

The DRC is a country rich in natural resources, but a history of corruption and civil unrest led to an economic crisis in the 1990s, the effects of which are still being felt today.  Sevy says, “The economy is not stable and the government is looking after themselves as opposed to helping people. My goal is to work with the government and tackle issues from the inside. I plan to open multiple businesses back home to not only help citizens raise their standard of living, but also help stabilize the economy as much as I can.”

During his time at WMU Haworth Sevy has learned the foundational concepts of business, mastered filing taxes and benefited from networking events. Attending school during the pandemic has given him the opportunity to do research and watch closely to see how companies have adapted to various challenges. He says, “That taught me a lot about the adaptability that is required in business to stay relevant and afloat.”

Although he’s a long way from home Sevy says, “I appreciate the fact that WMU Haworth has a feeling of home to it. It allows students to be more comfortable, which helps them learn better.” He credits his professors and mentors with helping him stay focused and coaching him on how to avoid common mistakes in both academics and business.

All of the classes and hard work have paid off as Sevy has accepted a position after graduation as a consultant at PNC Bank. This is a tremendous achievement, and he is excited about the opportunities it will provide as he starts his career. He knows that his love of numbers will help him make an impact on the world around him. “What excites me the most is that I will be able to help people around me  in their everyday lives, especially when it comes to business and finances.”