Utkarsh Shrivastava
Haworth College of Business
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5412 USA

- Ph.D., Business Information Systems, University of South Florida
- Programming for data analytics
- Business application development
- Applied analytics foundations
- Business analytics
- Health informatics
- ICT for development
Dr. Utkarsh Shrivastava is an assistant professor in the Department of Business Information Systems in the Haworth College of Business at Western Michigan University.
He teaches courses in business analytics, programming, and application development. Shrivastava’s research concentrates on artificial intelligence in health care, customer analytics, and technological solutions to global issues. In particular, he has examined the application of AI for patient triaging, data mining methods for customer targeting, and the role of ICT in creating new businesses and reducing corruption.
Shrivastava’s research is published in several peer-reviewed outlets, including the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Government Information Quarterly, Journal of Information Technology Education, and International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences, among others. Shrivastava has also served as the chair of international events and the editor of recognized peer-reviewed outlets.