Skip to content Home Teacher Candidates Final Internship Clinical Instructors Cooperating Teachers Forms and resources TK20 GoReact Directory Contact Us Early Childhood Pre-K Internship Application Name (required) Phone number (required) Email (required) Semester planning to intern (required) - Select -FallSpringSummer 1Summer 2 Year of internship (required) Preferred age group (required) - Select -InfantsToddlersPreschoolers Driving capabilities (required) Must be close to campus – public transportation Limited transportation (5-15 miles) Dependable transportation for best program option (10-20 miles) Preferred program option (required) School based (4 year old) Head Start (3-4 year olds) Community based preschool (4 year olds) Community based child care (all ages) WMU Children’s Place (toddler, preschool, 4 year old) Placement outside of Kalamazoo county If you would like to be placed outside of Kalamazoo County please list which county and any additional parameters. Days and times available (3-7 hour blocks) to equal 16 (fall/spring) or 31 hours (summer 1 & 2) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Major/s, minor/s (required) Experiences (required) List and explain the experiences you have had working with young children specifically and youth in general. These include any of your field experience placements, where they took place, child ages and the amount of time put into these experiences. Contributions (required) Identify the contributions you would be able to make to the infant, toddler or preschool program. Provide any other insights you have that might be helpful in making your placement decision or allowing a prospective mentor teacher to know you a little better. Experiences you hope to have (required) Indicate the experiences you hope to have during your pre-kindergarten internship. Center events (required) What Center events (e.g. parent meetings, family nights, staff meetings, celebrations) would you like to assist in supervising or facilitating? Indicate those activities in which you have prior experience as well as the extent of experience. Philosophy of education (required) Your philosophy of education--briefly covered. Do not go into a lengthy discussion concerning how you intend to change or alter education. Be concise about why you wish to teach. Autobiographical statement (required) Introduce yourself to the coordinator and mentor teacher in a brief autobiographical statement. Share how you came to the choice of early childhood and elementary education as a career. You may also want to share hobbies, talents, recreational interests, college and community service activities and any other relevant information. Comments or questions Submit Leave this field blank