McKenzie Stommen

McKenzie Stommen
Coordinator, Cold Case Program
McKenzie  Stommen

McKenzie Stommen was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and grew up in Ventura, California. She is a senior at WMU, majoring in Criminal Justice and minoring in Anthropology. Since an early age, she has had a passion for cold cases and the investigative process, as well as an interest in forensic art, and in the logistics of connecting cases to new and existing resources. She has a background in art and illustration.

In addition to serving as an incoming Program Coordinator for the Cold Case Program, McKenzie is a member of the Lee Honors College, serves on the executive board of the Criminal Justice Student Association, and works as a security auditor for the WMU Department of Public Safety. McKenzie's participation in the Cold Case Program's work with the Michigan State Police has provided her with invaluable research skills and hands-on experience that she will carry with her throughout her career.