Frequently Asked Questions

Who do I call to set up an appointment or to learn more about the services?

Day Programs for Adults: Sandra Wagner, (269) 387-7414,
Day Programs for Seniors: Dawn Robarge, (269) 387-7994, @email
Case Management: Toby Ward, (269) 387-7061,
Community Living/In-home Services: Dawn Robarge, (269) 387-7994, @email

What does it cost to attend?

We charge a fee for each service. The fee can be based on one hour of service or an entire day. The typical individual who receives our service is sponsored by an agency that pays the fee. An agency might pay the fee if you meet their eligibility requirements. These agencies are Kalamazoo Community Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, the Veterans Administration, the Area on Aging and Senior Services.

Is my family member eligible for services?

Our services have eligibility criteria. The individual must want to participate in services and our clinical and program staff must be able to support the individual according to a plan of service agreed upon by everyone.  The individual must have a way to pay for the services and if the individual needs their fee paid by another agency, then they must meet the eligibility requirements of the funding agency. For funding from Kalamazoo Community Mental Health please contact the Access Center at (269) 373-6000 for eligibility information.

How does someone get to the program? Do you pick them up in a bus?

We utilize a variety of transportation options including: family and residential programs provide transportation, individuals ride Metro County Connect (an ADA transportation service) and we also provide some transportation.

Can a person attend only when not in school, summers and during breaks?

Typically, we do not offer services for brief durations. We do serve individuals who take vacations or go to warm weather locations during the colder months. However they do attend the Center for Disability Services for the majority of the year.

What activities do you offer?

We offer several enrichment activities both on-site and in the community that focus on skill building, health and wellness, mobility, self care and interpersonal interactions. Some community activities include volunteer opportunities, shopping, trips to the Student Recreation Center, local parks and other community activities.