student in the electrical and computer engineering department working on a project

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Presentations will take place at Floyd Hall in room D-204.

Depth of Calcination Probe

9 to 9:25 a.m.

Team Members:
Arpad Sefcsik
Jakob Preston

Jason McPherson, B.S.E.’97, MSD Engineering

Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Janos Grantner

The need to improve fire investigation methods prompted the development of an enhanced depth-of-calcination meter for gypsum wallboard. Calcination depth, an indicator of heat exposure during a fire, was analyzed using an upgraded electronic probe integrated with more advanced components. The design utilized resistance measurements to distinguish between calcinated and non-calcinated wallboard sections. Machine learning algorithms were implemented to provide predictive results based on repeated measurements. The device was tested to account for variables such as wall thickness and material inconsistencies. This new design has improved greatly over the prototype in regards to ease of use and efficiency.

Smart Solutions for Bed Sore Detection

9:30 to 9:55 a.m.

Team Members:
Ben Exline
Dylan Greer
Dylan Nevar

WMU Center for Advanced Smart Sensors and Structures (CASSS)

Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Massood Atashbar

Bed sores are a common issue caused by prolonged pressure on the skin, often going undetected until severe. Smart solutions for bed sore detection are now within reach. A compact, mattress-compatible device equipped with a flexible integrated circuit and advanced pressure sensors can monitor pressure points and posture during sleep. By analyzing data on areas of sustained pressure and duration, this smart bed can help identify early signs of bed sores. When integrated into more complex systems, it could even make real-time adjustments to reduce pressure and prevent sores, offering a proactive approach to bed sore management.


Real-Time Testbed for Smart Grid Recloser

10 to 10:25 a.m.

Team Members:
Asker Akil Islam
Ethan Weldert
Nathaniel Barnes

WMU Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Secure, Efficient and Sustainable Energy Technology

Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Pablo Gomez

Microgrids and their smart components have become increasingly prevalent in the power grid with the introduction of renewable energy systems and electric vehicle charging stations. A real-time digital testbed (simulated environment) was developed to analyze the behavior of a physical microgrid recloser controller, a device that can disconnect, reconnect and isolate a microgrid from the main grid. This device can detect faults including over/undercurrent, over/undervoltage, overload, and inconsistent alternating current frequencies. The testbed can provide useful information on the capabilities of the recloser controller without the need for physical microgrid setup, providing safety and efficiency in power testing.

High Frequency Transformer Design

10:30 to 10:55 a.m.

Team Members:
Ethan Kotre
Landon Balogh
Nick Eastman

Dr. Sandun Kuruppu, Western Michigan University

Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Pablo Gomez

Electric vehicle (EV) charging technology requires highly efficient high frequency transformers that can support bidirectional power transfer. This bidirectionality allows EVs to supply energy back to the grid, helping to stabilize the grid and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. This also provides backup power solutions to EV owners during outages or high-demand periods. A scaled-down high frequency transformer was designed and implemented for EV charging technology, focusing on providing high efficiency, power density and overall reliability. Initially, a finite element method-based model was developed and parameterized to support the evaluation of design alternatives. Based on this model, a transformer was built and tested for compliance with all main specifications.


Electronic Metronome

11 to 11:25 a.m.

Team Members:
Gage McCaffrey
Jalen Glenn

Dr. Frank Severance, Western Michigan University

Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Frank Severance

An interactive metronome enhances rhythm training by combining traditional functionality with adaptive technology. It operates in two modes: Forward Mode allows users to manually set and adjust beat frequency using an analog dial, while Reverse Mode detects beats from user input and synchronizes timing. A built-in speaker and LED display provide real-time auditory and visual feedback. Utilizing microprocessors, circuit analysis, and linear systems, the design ensures precision and adaptability. Compact and user-friendly, this tool will support the musician at any level of proficiency in developing timing accuracy and rhythm internalization for more effective practice and performance.

Automated Sand Grain Size Analysis

11:30 to 11:55 a.m.

Team Members:
Annelise Kolp
David Micklewright
Emily Eringaard

Dr. Sam Ramrattan, Western Michigan University
Dr. Robert Makin, Western Michigan University

Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Damon Miller

Sand grain size analysis is essential to the metal-casting industry. Current manual measurement methods are time and labor-intensive. Machine learning algorithms and computer vision techniques were developed to automate grain size characterization using high-resolution microscopic imaging. A custom system was designed to capture and analyze sand grain surface area and size distribution using a Raspberry Pi, PyTorch and a MicroCapture 200x microscope. Neural network models were trained to classify grain size using established geological standards. This novel approach significantly accelerates sand grain analysis, potentially revolutionizing particle assessment methodologies. 

Presentations will take place at Floyd Hall in room D-204.

Automated Control System for Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED) Capture Analysis

9 to 9:25 a.m.

Team Members:
Brianna Murphy
Joseph Williams

Dr. Robert Makin, Western Michigan University

Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Damon Miller

Molecular beam epitaxy is a process used for creating thin films of single-crystal materials used for manufacturing semiconductors and nanotechnology structures. During the molecular beam epitaxy process, reflection high-energy electron diffraction capture analysis is utilized to acquire information about the surface of the substrate, including roughness, structural properties, and growth rate. To improve the precision and accuracy of reflection high-energy electron diffraction data, an automation system was created and tested to perform this process, which also increases overall efficiency and safety.

EEG Controlled Robotic Arm

9:30 to 9:55 a.m.

Team Members:
Camryn Ruiz
Ladd Carpenter
Michael McCaulley

WMU Center for Advanced Smart Sensors and Structures

Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Simin Masihi
Dr. Massood Atashbar

Integrating prosthetics into the lives of amputees is crucial for restoring functionality. Current prosthetics offer limited motion and lack intuitive control, often requiring strict maintenance. We recognize the potential of neuro-prosthetics to address these issues. A proposed robotic arm, controlled by neural signals captured via an electroencephalography cap, aims to enhance prosthetic functionality. This work involves data collection, signal processing, data analysis, machine learning, circuit design, and robotics to demonstrate the feasibility of mind-controlled prosthetics. This innovation could significantly improve the quality of life of amputees, by providing more natural limb movements and intuitive control.

Machine Learning Powered Stretchable Smart Textile Gloves

10 to 10:25 a.m.

Team Members:
Anika Tabassum
Farzana Mahbub
Georgia Hill

WMU Center for Advanced Smart Sensors and Structures

Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Massood Atashbar
Tony Hanson

Effective communication with individuals with hearing loss often requires sign language, which can be a significant barrier. A machine learning powered glove system can overcome this barrier by capturing complex hand movements. This system translates sign language gestures into text and speech in real-time, providing a bridge between sign language users and those unfamiliar with it, thus facilitating smoother interactions in various social, educational, and professional environments. These gloves are designed using advanced machine learning algorithms to estimate hand-joint angles and recognize gestures accurately. The system integrates gesture control into digital environments through a computer program, offering feedback via visual and auditory cues. This technology aims to provide a precise, real-time solution for gesture recognition, enhancing user interaction and engagement.

Electric Motor Thrust Stand

10:30 to 10:55 a.m.

Team Members:
Evan Schober
Joshua Kraeuter

Dr. Kapseong Ro, Western Michigan University

Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Johnson Asumadu

Understanding motor and propeller performance is an important part of the aircraft design process. A testing platform containing several sensors was developed for small scale electric propulsion systems. The data from the sensors are captured and processed using an integrated computer board known as Raspberry Pi. The device for small scale electric propulsion systems was developed using several commercial sensors. The data from these sensors allow users to measure key performance parameters such as input voltage, current draw, motor RPM, and thrust. This device will be used in aerospace classes and competition teams to evaluate aerial propulsion systems.

Automation Cart

11 to 11:25 a.m.

Team Members:
Jimmy Keusch
Hunter Ungaro
Conlan Wilder

Sam Mensch, B.S.E.’11, Mensch Manufacturing

Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Damon Miller

Dairy farm workers face health risks from contact with manure and other byproducts. An automated cleaning vehicle was developed to navigate the barn autonomously and clean manure, allowing workers to focus on other tasks safely. The vehicle utilized Danfoss XM100 and MC018-030 controllers for automation and propulsion, programmed using PLUS+1® Guide software. A proof-of-concept vehicle was designed, built and tested in a dairy barn environment. The automated cleaning system improves worker health and safety while increasing overall farm efficiency.

Claims-Investigation Committee (CIC) Multi-Input Testing Device

11:30 to 11:55 a.m.

Team Members:
Daniel Baker
Dylan Matthew-Garza
Rohullah Sah

Patrick McNally, ZF Group

Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Janos Grantner

The automotive industry requires rigorous testing of safety components to ensure vehicle reliability and passenger safety. An integrated test system is being developed to streamline the evaluation of automotive and safety components including brake signal transmitters, pressure sensors, wear sensors, electronic stability control modules, and string potentiometers. The system employs a custom-designed test device built around an ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller and ARM Cortex-A7 running a custom embedded Linux image. It interfaces with peripherals through PWM, analog, and CAN communication protocols, while communicating with a web-based front-end application using Web Assembly, that communicates with a back-end server, both written in Rust, with the ability to save the test results in a text file. The project aims to reduce time and cost associated with field claim evaluations, improve accuracy in identifying faulty components, and enable efficient troubleshooting and root cause analysis.

Presentations will take place at Floyd Hall in room D-204.

DIY Electrometer for Neural Electrophysiology

9 to 9:25 a.m.
Team Members:
Connor Villanueva
Garrett Russell
Leanne Tuuk
WMU Neurobiology Engineering Laboratory
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Damon Miller
An electrometer is used to study the voltage response of a neuron by applying nanoamp-level currents through an intracellular electrode inserted into the cell. The electrometer provides amplification and filtering of the neuron response. Research-quality electrometers are expensive. Project deliverables included detailed assembly instructions, components list, prices, and a user manual. The approximately $600 electrometer will greatly reduce the capital cost of electrophysiology experiments for educational institutions.

Medium Frequency Power Control for Industrial Furnaces

9:30 to 9:55 a.m.
Team Members:
Devon Crites
Matt Leja
Sean Wiessner
RoMan Manufacturing
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Pablo Gomez
This project created a Medium Frequency Power Control (MFPC) for industrial furnace applications. Powered by a high-capacity Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET)-based inverter under the control of an industrial microcontroller, the MFPC optimizes energy usage while providing precision in process control. The inverter takes 650 Volts from a rectifier and converts it to a stable 680 VAC at 1 kHz. A Raspberry Pi was utilized to control the MFPC, allowing RoMan Manufacturing to optimize industrial power management by utilizing MOSFETs, which have less losses than the insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) that are currently on the market for electric furnaces.


EEG Controlled Robotic Arm

10 to 10:25 a.m.
Team Members:
Isaac Bagley
Jacob Simons
Minhaz Shahrier
WMU Center for Advanced Smart Sensors and Structures
Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Simin Masihi
Dr. Massood Atashbar
Individuals without the use of a limb face significant challenges in interacting with their surroundings. These unique challenges are often remedied with the use of a prosthetic limb. However, prosthetics provide limited movement options, lack natural neural control from the user, and require specific maintenance guidelines. To improve this solution, a Senior Design team at Western Michigan University has proposed the development of a robotic arm that is controlled by brain signals received by an electroencephalogram (EEG) cap worn by the user. This project aims to be completed as a proof of concept for EEG controlled prosthetic limbs.

1st Person Scaled EV with Electronic Differential

10:30 to 10:55 a.m.
Team Members:
Evan Cain
Lena Mandwee
Tessa Biondo
Dr. Sandun Kuruppu, Western Michigan University
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Sandun Kuruppu
A 1/7th scale custom electric vehicle was designed and constructed to explore advancements in stability control. This involved the development of an electronic differential, which enhanced the vehicle’s maneuverability and response to varying driving conditions. First person view technology was integrated, enabling remote driving and offering a novel perspective on vehicle handling. Vehicle dynamics were rigorously analyzed, focusing on stability under different scenarios. The results of testing the performance of this vehicle were evaluated to gain deeper insights into stability control mechanisms, potentially influencing future full-scale electric vehicle designs.

Real-time Testbed for Transmission Line Protection

11 to 11:25 a.m.
Team Members:
Mark Booge
Kyle Taiariol
Nolan Ulp
Dr. Pablo Gomez, Western Michigan University
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Pablo Gomez
Hardware in the loop (HIL) testing is crucial for designing and managing electric power grids. Combining physical components with modern real-time hardware/software testbeds creates effective tools for training, which might be too dangerous or impractical in the field. The project developed an HIL testbed connecting a real-time digital simulator and an SEL 421 protection relay. This serves as an educational tool for WMU instructors and students interested in power system protection. Additionally, the project provides documentation for configuring simulation parameters and grid topologies of different test cases without requiring a deep understanding of the necessary hardware and software tools.

Telemetry Enabled Vehicle EGT Monitoring

11:30 to 11:55 a.m.
Team Members:
Vito Torina
Eljiah Sargeant
Noah Gould, WMU Formula SAE Team
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Janos Grantner
Monitoring the exhaust gas temperature of an internal combustion engine is a vital method to understand the performance and health of an engine. A physical board was created to interface between the individual cylinder temperatures and a telemetry system to monitor them. This allows users to adjust spark timing and fuel flow to facilitate peak engine performance and health. This analysis can guarantee a safer operating environment and allow an internal combustion engine to be utilized to its maximum potential.

Real-time Testbed for Smart Inverter Cybersecurity Studies

1 to 1:25 p.m.
Team Members:
Alfred Batu
Badr Semia
Lucas Ling
WMU InterEnergy Center
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Pablo Gomez
The purpose of this project was to create an interactive testing environment to analyze cybersecurity threats targeting grid-tied smart inverters across various operational scenarios. This project utilized a real-time digital Simulator (RTDS) and its grid modelling software to replicate authentic grid topologies and inverter controls. Industrial-grade Distributed Network Protocol 3 (DNP3) was configured within the model to allow hardware interfacing between the Real Time Digital Simulator and automation controller for internal and external data transmission and acquisition. The testbed will allow further study and testing of smart inverter functionalities including reactive power compensation, voltage ride-through and fault-ride through, that may malfunction in response to a potential cybersecurity attack.

Data Collection and Real Time Monitoring of a Torque Transducer

1:30 to 1:55 p.m.
Team Members:
Cross Pui
Nathan Hand 
Dr. Sandun Kuruppu, Western Michigan University
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Sandun Kuruppu
In the pursuit of designing a product that adhered to sponsor specifications, the project aimed to create a torque transducer—a specialized tool for measuring rotational force. Unlike conventional systems that merely logged data, this advanced torque transducer seamlessly displayed real-time torque and speed on a user-friendly interface. With a sampling rate exceeding 8000 Hz and 16-bit digital resolution, users could monitor data through an oscilloscope while logging it on a Secure Digital (SD) card. Implementation involved researching scholarly articles and testing the system in software such as LTSpice, STM32CubeIDE, and KiCad. Ensuring a properly packaged form factor aligned with sponsor requirements, the completed project delivered a cost-effective and efficient system beneficial across various industries.

Formula SAE Electric Vehicle Accumulator

2 to 2:25 p.m.
Team Members:
Jack LeFevre
Josh Iwick
WMU Formula SAE Team
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Johnson Asumadu
The Western Michigan University Formula Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Team has designed the accumulator for a formula-style electric race car. The accumulator contains battery cells, battery management system, safety systems, and other electronics. The design of the safety system also includes pre-charge, discharge system, voltage indicator lights, and voltage and thermal monitoring systems. The main objective is to produce a safe and functional battery pack system, which also addresses the Formula SAE rules.

Sunseeker 2023 Car Next Generation Battery System

2:30 to 2:55 p.m.
Team Members:
Donovan Mahon
Jacob Lehman
Mitchell Jacobs
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Bradley J. Bazuin
The WMU Sunseeker Solar Car has multiple critical electronic subsystems. One of the most important subsystems is the energy storage and distribution system, consisting of lithium ion batteries and the battery management, protection, and power connections. After analysis and review of prior generations of battery subsystems, new architectures have been defined and developed for current and future cars. With stringent racing organization requirements and specifications, subsystem architecture one is partially based on a commercially available battery management system along with a custom controller and architecture two is a completely custom subsystem that has been defined and critical electronic elements designed, fabricated and tested.

Assembly Line Status Monitoring System

3 to 3:25 p.m.
Team Members:
Hudson Phillips
Ryan Glave
Tronic Williams
I I Stanley
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Dean Johnson
The Assembly Status Monitoring System (ASMS) was designed to enhance assembly line monitoring. The system organizes and communicates machine analytics from production performance through a custom Python code-based GUI and Faytech capacitive touch screen monitor that provides both user interaction capabilities and graphical representations for improving productivity. The ASMS addresses inefficiencies in current manufacturing processes, including data exchange and labor-intensive tracking. The system features real-time data access and reporting, comprehensive machine data collection using the Revolution Pi single board computer with Modbus protocol and custom I/O signal interception. It improves decisiveness for managerial staff, supports operator proficiency, and production issue traceability. Key specifications include visual performance displays, data logging, machine-specific problem isolation, and secure administrative access. This system integrates with various manufacturing equipment using standard protocols and is tailored to meet the unique needs of automotive manufacturing.

Presentations will take place at Floyd Hall in room D-204.

A Novel Haptic System with Advanced Force Sensing Capabilities for Soft-Robotic Applications

9 to 9:25 a.m.

Team Members:
Hakan Dogdu
Matthew Haley
Sergei Akhmatdinov

Dr. Simin Masihi, Western Michigan University

Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Simin Masihi

Robots have been assisting humans for many years, especially in environments where human interventions are not allowed. This work aims to address the gaps in providing dexterous manipulations in current telerobotic systems, where efforts have been more focused on improving commercial haptic feedback devices. Multilayered pressure sensors with polydimethylsiloxane cones and porous structures were designed for applications where teleoperation involves interactions with a broad range of applied pressures. With a haptic system designed using a remotely controlled robotic hand and a piezoelectric actuator, our system provides expanded capabilities in fields such as robotic surgery and space exploration.

Smart White Cane

9:30 to 9:55 a.m.

Team Members:
Haonan Wen
Kenny Bainbridge
Matt Van Sickle

Dr. Pnina Ari-Gur, Western Michigan University

Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Pnina Ari-Gur
Dr. Robert Makin
Dr. Simin Masihi

The white cane is a tool used by those who have low vision to manually scan for nearby obstacles. To make this process automatic, separate detection and alert modules have been designed and built to detect nearby obstacles. Camera and distance sensor data feed a machine-learning model to infer the presence of an obstacle. The obstacle classification is sent over Bluetooth to trigger vibrations on the back of the user’s hand. This Smart White Cane allows the obstacle scanning process (for those who have low vision) to be more automatic, ensuring greater independence and confidence in their daily lives.

Analog Sensor to CAN Bus Communication Device

10 to 10:25 a.m.

Team Members:
Corey Steinhauser
Elliott Smith
Jillian Bright

Michael Roussin, B.S.E.’02, M.S.’17, Getman Corporation

Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Janos L Grantner

Dedicated systems that transmit analog data around a machine can add cost to the machine’s construction, so a more cost-effective device is needed to move these signals. By making use of the local controller area network (CAN) bus on the machine, a microcontroller was programmed to convert the analog information to digital before packaging the information in the J1939 format for heavy-duty vehicles. That packaged information is then broadcasted every 100ms onto the CAN bus. The microcontroller and other contributing components are mounted to a prototype PCB that transmits the information reliably at a cheaper price than the current system.

Position Sensor System for FOC of In-Wheel Motors

10:30 to 10:55 a.m.

Team Members:
Blake Crowton
Dan Stephan
John Skuratowicz

Dr. Sandun Kuruppu, Western Michigan University

Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Sandun Kuruppu

Electric vehicles require compact and efficient motors to compete with fossil-fueled alternatives. In-wheel motors are an attractive alternative to conventional electric motors due to their compact form factor. The nature of these motors makes it challenging to implement sensor-based field-oriented control. The goal is to develop a position-sensor system compatible with in-wheel motors and adapt a field-oriented control program to utilize the sensor inputs. This enables the in-wheel motor to operate at a higher efficiency than what is currently available on the market.

Superconductor Critical Temperature Measurement System

11 to 11:25 a.m.

Team Members:
Al Muhanad Al Hadrami
Josue Rubuye Mugisho
Kaushik Mojumder

Dr. Robert Makin, Western Michigan University

Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Damon Miller

Critical temperature is an essential parameter in superconductor production. An automated system to accurately and efficiently measure the critical temperature of superconductive samples grown in a lab via molecular beam epitaxy was developed. A sample holder and an electronic printed circuit board were constructed to obtain resistivity measurements of a superconductor sample. The system quickly provides users with accurate electrical data for thin film samples by establishing the relationship between temperature and electrical thin film material resistivity.

Autonomous Precision Landing System for UAVs

11:30 to 11:55 a.m.

Team Members:
Dante Bailey
Ramses Larabel
Shane Courter

Dr. Tarun Gupta, Western Michigan University

Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Dean Johnson

An autonomous precision landing system for UAVs (APLSU) was developed to assist in the task of accurate landings. This would be useful in applications with package delivery, where battery efficiency and timing must be optimized. The APLSU will include a GPS-controlled flight path of the drone, and on the return trip, the drone will autonomously seek to find and land on the landing station in the most optimized route. Autonomous precision landing will play a crucial role in the future when drones are fully self-sufficient. The APLSU includes a working prototype and a landing station that can store drones.

Presentations will be held at Floyd Hall in D-204.


Rogowski Coil Monitor

9 to 9:25 a.m.

Team members

  • Benjamin Gernaat
  • Kevin Heinzman
  • Noah Khanfar


  • Tengam Engineering, Inc.

Faculty advisor

  • Damon Miller, Ph.D.

High-frequency, large-amplitude current pulses can be sensed by an induced voltage across a Rogowski coil. The developed rechargeable device uses a Rogowski coil to measure up to 10kA current pulses at a maximum of 100kHz, with 1% accuracy. The design features a printed circuit board (PCB) for ease of construction. The PCB includes filters, amplifiers, an integrator, and battery charging integrated circuitry. LED indicators show the on/off status and battery state of the device.

Robotic Exoskeleton for Weightlifting Assistance

9:30 to 9:55 a.m.

Team members

  • Kiran Bholiyan
  • Donovan Colo
  • Susmita Dey


  • Tarun Gupta, Ph.D.

Faculty advisor

  • Dean Johnson, Ph.D.
  • Tarun Gupta, Ph.D.

A robotic exoskeleton that will assist the user in a ground-to-waist level lifting movement has been designed, built, and tested. It meets the need to assist industrial workers who must lift loads from the ground to the hip level, thereby reducing the physical strain on the body and preventing injuries and Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSD). It is powered by a microcontroller that works in conjunction with the essential hardware – motors and sensors. The sensors detect the movement and the force exerted by the user, the microcontroller processes this data, and the motors provide the necessary assistance.

Fast Moisture and VOCS Test

10 to 10:25 a.m.

Team members

  • Andrew Higgins
  • Dagmawit Lamango
  • Zachary Tay


  • Sam Ramrattan, Ph.D., Western Michigan University

Faculty advisor

  • Robert Makin, Ph.D.

Moisture Content and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) tests are critical tests used to determine the quality and feasibility of casting sand. An existing Moisture Content Testing Machine has been redesigned with an infrared heater to reduce the testing time from ten minutes to five minutes. Time and accuracy are key in the metal casting industry. The completed machine would aid in quality control aspects of casting sand to produce better metal casted materials.

Design and Control of a DC Nanogrid

10:30 to 10:55 a.m.

Team members

  • Ali Ahmed
  • Ahmed Almuraikhy
  • Daniel Nyambane


  • Pablo Gomez, Ph.D., Western Michigan University

Faculty advisor

  • Pablo Gomez, Ph.D.

This project involves the design and implementation of a table-sized DC microgrid, or nanogrid. It includes a photovoltaic panel, an energy storage system, different types of loads, and the ability for grid connection emulated by rectified wall power. An Arduino microcontroller is used to monitor and control the operational modes of the nanogrid, switching between islanded mode and grid-tied mode, based on the generation, storage, and load conditions. This nanogrid design serves to showcase the operation of a microgrid at a lower scale for educational, demonstration and research purposes.

WMU Soccer Field Lighting, Power Distribution and Control System

11 to 11:25 a.m.

Team members

  • Princeton Johnson
  • Rachel LaHaie
  • Jordan Walker


  • ThermalTech Engineering
  • Gentex Corporation

Faculty advisor

  • Damon Miller, Ph.D.

The WMU athletics department has recently shown interest in updating the soccer complex. The primary update is to add stadium lighting for night games including regional tournaments. To reduce construction costs, engineering drawings for light installation and power distribution were prepared based on a photometric study and a small-scale field model. These can be used to bid the project to vendors. The scale model stadium lamps are controlled by an Arduino with Bluetooth and light sensors.

MPPT Solar Charge Controller

11:30 to 11:55 a.m.

Team members

  • Brice Leuenberger
  • Tyler Starr
  • Luke Thomas


  • Pablo Gomez, Ph.D., Western Michigan University

Faculty advisor

  • Pablo Gomez, Ph.D.

Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is a process that tracks the maximum output power of a solar panel (PV) to optimize usable solar energy efficiency. The MPPT solar charge controller sits between a 12V 20W solar panel and a 12V battery (load). The solar charge controller is operated by an Arduino microcontroller utilizing MPPT algorithms to measure and track PV output voltage and current levels. These levels supply the input to a DC-DC converter, which maintains desired output voltage or current levels for the load. Different MPPT algorithms can be selected within the charge controller to test changes in MPPT efficiency.

Helmholtz Cage Construction for Low-Earth Orbit Mag-Field Simulations

1 to 1:25 p.m.

Team members

  • Eti Jean-Cedric Phinee Myles Gnamien
  • Colin Goldschmidt
  • Adebola Oke


  • Western Aerospace Launch Initiative

Faculty advisor

Pablo Gomez, Ph.D.

The WALI mission as part of the University Nanosatellite Program (UNP) is to launch a nanosatellite into Low-Earth Orbit for comparison of the performance of an electrospray thruster in ground and space operations. A Helmholtz Cage was designed using COMSOL, a Multiphysics simulation software, and constructed to generate and simulate three-dimensional magnetic field conditions at about 400km altitude. An interface which unifies the system via a microcontroller is also designed to provide WALI engineers a user-friendly control mechanism for the cage. Furthermore, the cage can now be employed for any testing that requires a uniform magnetic field below 2 Gauss.

Modernization of Air Hockey Table

1:30 to 1:55 p.m.

Team members

  • Ethan Burnside
  • Marwan Issa Salim Al Kharusi
  • Landen Wallace
  • Zach Westmaas


  • Robert Makin, Ph.D., Western Michigan University

Faculty advisor

  • Robert Makin, Ph.D.

Air hockey tables have stayed the same since their invention 60 years ago. This modernized air hockey table uses a Raspberry Pi to control embedded LEDs beneath the playing surface for lighting; airflow control valves to lower airflow to certain zones of the table; and control of fans to create zones of varied airflow, enabling several game modes. The Raspberry Pi also has two inputs into the system: a touch-sensitive display for both players to decide game modes and sensors in the goals to determine if a goal was scored. The table now includes multiple new game modes.

Electrical and Computer Engineering
Session Chair – Ralph Tanner, Ph.D.
Room D-204/205 

High voltage power processing unit design

Student team: Omar Al Hashimi and Riya Subedi
Sponsor: Western Aerospace Launch Initiative
Faculty Advisor: Pablo Gomez, Ph.D.
9 a.m. – 9:25 a.m. 

There are many Power Processing units (PPU) available in the market, but it is difficult to obtain a commercial PPU that is optimized for an electrospray propulsion system. A low-cost high voltage PPU was designed and built to convert 5V digital input obtained from solar cells to 2000 V DC output. The PPU includes a Digital to Analog Converter (DAC), voltage follower, DEC-DC Boost converter, H-bridge, step-up transformer, and Crockcroft Walton Bridge. An Arduino was used as a microprocessor for the control system. The customized PPU will be used to generate the required voltage and current to power the electrospray thruster of the CubeSat.

Matrix multiplication acceleration for machine learning applications

Student team: Tawfiq Abuaita, Mohammad Islam and Danish Murshid
Sponsor: Computer Architecture and System Research Lab
Faculty Advisor: Lina Sawalha, Ph.D.
9:30 a.m. – 9:55 a.m. 

Sparse Matrix Multiplication (SPMM) and General Matrix Multiplication (GEMM) are commonly used as part of artificial neural network and deep learning applications. These operations are compute and memory intensive, especially with the emerging big data machine learning applications. This project aims to accelerate matrix multiplication by designing new specialized operations. These specialized operations set are added to the RISCV processor instruction set, and they will be designed and simulated using GEM5 computer architecture simulator. Finally, these operations will be designed using Verilog hardware description language and tested using Xilinx simulations on an actual Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) board.

Interface-stacker renovation

Student team: Owen R. Avrill, and Zia Mohammed and MD Marsad Zoardar
Sponsor: Graphic Packaging International
Faculty Advisor: Dean Johnson, Ph.D.
10 a.m. – 10:25 a.m.

A new Controller to an Interface Shaker Machine (ISM) has been designed which will help reduce the complexity of the ISM while achieving a production capacity of 50,000 cartons per hour. Modern Allen-Bradley CompactLogix PLC was used with the latest Studio-5000 Software which reduced the complexity of the design and the requirements were met within the given budget of $10,000. Two Servo Motors were used between the collator machine and the gluer machine for precision speed control. A vibrator was used to make even sized stacks. Also, the safety feature of the system was enhanced all thanks to the Pilz Safety PLC.

Axial flux motor

Student team: Matthew Maletta, Blaik Ronders and Nicholas Warner
Sponsor: Richard Meyer, Ph.D.
Faculty Advisor: Pablo Gomez, Ph.D.
10:30 a.m. – 10:55 a.m.

The design of a scaled-down axial flux motor for the hybridization of a class 8 heavy-duty truck. This motor will be used for demonstration and research purposes by our sponsor Dr. Meyer. It will also become part of the ME 5950 electric vehicles lab that will perform tests on the scaled-down system on a variety of scaled drive systems. Our design will act as a physical engineering model for Dr. Meyer’s current project to make a hybrid semi-truck to help cut down carbon emissions.

Design of seebeck coefficient measurement system

Student team: Marwan Al Kharusi, Mohamed Al Riyami and Amos Lian
Sponsors: Robert Makin, Ph.D., and Steve Durbin, Ph.D.
Faculty Advisors: Robert Makin, Ph.D. ,and Steve Durbin, Ph.D.
11 a.m. – 11:25 a.m.

An all-in-one custom setup that allows to measure the in-plane Seebeck coefficients and electrical conductivities of anisotropic thin film samples close to room temperature. Both pairs, , can be measured using four contacts on the same sample, reducing measurement time, and minimizing potential sources of error due to aggregating data from several distinct samples.

Foundry sand loss on ignition measurement system

Student team: Andrew Burton, Chris Mennell and Imane Wydick
Sponsor: Sam Ramrattan, Ph.D.
Faculty Advisor: Damon Miller, Ph.D.
11:30 a.m. – 11:55 a.m. 

Moisture content, volatile organic content, and overall weight change of foundry sand after heating are critical factors in metal casting. These characteristics are measured by weighing sand samples during simultaneous heating with three heaters. The developed automated system requires a ten-minute test time as opposed to four hours using current methods. Weight measurements are logged by a computer for analysis using LabVIEW™.

Wireless Smart Plant Monitor

Shoe Insole for Gait and Mobility Analysis (SIGMA)

Analyzing gait, or the manner a person walks, is widely used in the sports medicine industry when identifying athletes' unique movements, determining gait patterns, or diagnosing abnormalities. SIGMA was aimed to create a more accessible device that allows users to check their gait from their own screens at a lower-than-market cost with more accuracy and durability. This was achieved using a microcontroller attached to athletic footwear that uses Bluetooth communication to connect to the user’s phone. The final insole prototype provides a network of sensors including pressure sensors, gyroscopes, and accelerometers incorporated into an insole.

Team Members:

Schuyler-James Jones

Paul Marsh

Nuha Terkan


Center for Advanced Smart Sensors and Structures (CASSS), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,


Faculty Advisor:

Dr. Massood Atashbar

Two Phase Inverter Design

Nanogyro has designed a pair of coils that are 90° out of phase and the coils are to be driven by two AC voltages that are also 90° out of phase. Nanogryo has been using a signal generator to produce the two AC voltages, but as the signal’s frequency changes, the output impedance also changes, which is a problem. A microcontroller will be used to produce sine waves at the appropriate frequencies and constant phase output. The digital processing will remove any analog factors affecting the phase of the signals. This project will use a DC voltage to generate the two AC voltages (90° out of phase) with constant output impedances as the frequency changes.

Team members

  • Jawad Alowa
  • Breanna Alvin
  • Tim Nowak


  • Nanogyro Technical Lead, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, WMU

Faculty advisor

  • Dr. Johnson Asumadu

CAB Micro

The field of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education is continuously expanding and in further need of educational devices. A custom-made Arduino microcontroller circuit board with on-board sensors and motor controllers was designed using Autodesk EAGLE, a circuit design software. The microcontroller allows for a multipurpose and multifunctional programmable device for education in circuitry and computer programming. The device supports various methods of data collection and transmission for fostering and enhancing a student’s engineering capabilities. The completed device provides an educational modality that will support the education of future engineers.

Team members

  • Sebastian Balde
  • Jawid Nawazish
  • Juan Rodriguez


  • Frank Norton, uniteSTEM

Faculty advisor

  • Dr. Robert Makin

White Cane Module

The White Cane Module is a wearable device for low vision individuals, designed to aid in obstacle detection as an addition to the White Cane Vest. The module begins by collecting optical data from an infrared sensor that outputs voltage signals based on distance from an obstacle. This signal is processed by a microcontroller which uses a Bluetooth transmitter to feed a series of vibrating electric motors. These motors use the signal to alert the user of an impending fall. Many individuals in the world lack access to affordable ophthalmology treatments, with future developments this device will be affordable and accessible by all.

Team members

  • Gabe Gischia 
  • Tabitha Hudson 
  • Alwaleed Khalid 
  • Emmanuel Oladipupo

Faculty advisors

  • Dr. Pnina Ari-Gur
  • Dr. Robert Makin

DIY Electrometer

An electrometer is a device used to stimulate a neuron with an electrical current and record its response. This is a critical piece of equipment in an electrophysiology lab. Commercial electrometers can be quite expensive. The high cost can be a barrier to undergraduate-level neurobiological stimulation experimentation. A DIY electrometer kit was designed and validated, building on previous projects. The cost of the DIY electrometer kit is about $400.00.

Team members

  • Shelby Bessler
  • Jadon Clugston
  • William Murphy

Faculty advisor

  • Dr. Damon Miller

DIY Electrometer Digital Interface

Studying the electrical properties of biological neurons requires precise control of injected currents and the ability to monitor the neuron membrane voltage response. An analog electrometer has been developed by other undergraduate and graduate students. This project developed an add-on digital interface to enable application of custom neuron stimulation currents.  The device can capture the voltage response and current waveform in real-time for later analysis.  The system is affordable and open-source, using readily available commercial parts and builds on work by previous design group.

Team members

  • Quang Nam Do
  • Bharat Goel
  • Dawson Hamill


  • WMU Neurobiology Engineering Laboratory

Faculty advisor

  • Dr. Damon Miller