AEA Conference 2022

WMU seal sculpture in front of fall colors
Join Western Michigan University at the 2022 AEA Conference: (re)shaping evaluation together, November 7 - 12 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

AEA Conference 

VISIT US in the exhibit hall

The Evaluation Center and the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Evaluation program will host Booth 103. View the floor plan and exhibitor list here.

We are excited to reconnect with members of the evaluation community. Stop by our booth to learn more about The Evaluation Center and our work, including EvaluATE, IDPE, JMDE and more. Plus, your conference experience won't be complete without our new, evaluation-themed vinyl stickers! We hope to see you there.

Three WMU vinyl stickers with Visit Us text overlay

Thursday, Nov. 10

  • 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
  • 4:30 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Friday, Nov. 11

  • 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Don't worry, if you missed the chance to visit our booth, you can still join in the fun and games with us! Check out and download our evaluation themed activity pages. Answer keys coming soon!

Graphic of four activity pages on woodgrain surface


Crossword Puzzle

Mad Libs

Word Search

 Answer Keys


Wednesday, November 9

Title: Meta Evaluation Checklist Application and Critique
Time: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Location: Bolden 3
WMU Presenter: Michael Harnar

Abstract: This demonstration presents the application of a previously unpublished meta-evaluation checklist, developed by Daniel Stufflebeam based on the 2010 Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation Program Evaluation Standards, to an energy efficiency market transformation evaluation system. The presentation will describe the checklist, explain its application, critique the checklist based on its use, and provide insights from the meta-evaluation client. Those commissioning, evaluating, or studying evaluations may find this presentation useful.


Thursday, November 10


Title: CEBE1- The Demand for Cost-Inclusive Evaluation for the People: Health, Early Education, and Beyond
WMU Presenter: Ruqayyah Abu-Obaid
Time: 2:15 - 3:15 p.m.
Location: Celestin E
Abstract: The US Federal Government commissions most evaluations in the country. The purpose of all this evaluation activity is to assess the effectiveness of non-defense spending. As we know, some evaluation work is contracted out while other remains in-house. Despite the enormous resources dedicated to soliciting and performing evaluations, the demand function for evaluation has received hardly any attention. This paper follows the creation of a conceptual econometric model, designed after the economic theory of demand, which is used to better understand the demand for evaluation in terms of its macroeconomic rationale.  The aggregated demand perspective presented in this paper measures and analyses the forces that determine the demand. The implications of understanding the demand for evaluation at the federal level are explained.
Title: African Perspectives on Responsible Data Governance in M&E
Time: 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Location: Empire C
WMU Presenter: John F. Akwetey
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital platforms and tools. This has offered huge benefits for monitoring and evaluation, including the emergence of new and diverse data sources and the possibility of conducting remote M&E. At the same time, the abundance of data being collected (with and without the knowledge of individuals), the public's increasing awareness of the dangers of expanding tracking and automated decision making, and the trend towards adoption of national data privacy regulations have all put a spotlight on the importance of responsible data governance. What does all this mean for M&E practitioners?  In 2021, a guide on responsible data governance in M&E was developed to assist in answering questions related data governance in the African context and providing guidance to M&E practitioners and stakeholders. In the session we will discuss findings and the role of evaluators as responsible data stewards and users.
Title: Trends in African MERL Tech: Insights from a Landscape Scan
Time: 4:45 - 5:45 p.m.
Location: Celestin C
WMU Presenter: John F. Akwetey
Abstract: In 2022, we conducted a landscape study, funded by the Mastercard Foundation Impact Labs, on how existing and emerging technologies are used for Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) in African contexts. We identified partners, initiatives and solutions that support MERL with a focus on equity and inclusion, youth and community empowerment, indigenous knowledge, real-time decisions, and future-focused scenarios. We will share our findings, including broad continental trends and country specific case studies and what these suggest for the wider field of evaluation. This will be a learning- and sharing session exploring how technological innovations are influencing and enriching the MERL practice and how these approaches, if designed and implemented responsibly, can support equity, inclusion, participation, and evaluative processes rooted in context. We'll invite participants to share their own experiences and to consider ways that decolonization, new players, and emerging technologies are influencing evaluation on the African continent and globally.

Friday, November 11


Title: The Use and Impact of the Program Evaluation Standards
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Location: Bolden 3
WMU Presenter: Brad Watts

Abstract: This session presents the findings from four studies conducted on the Program Evaluation Standards. The Program Evaluation Standards are the evaluation field's official tool for assessing the quality of evaluation. Since 1975, the Standards have been developed and refined by the Join Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (JCSEE) and supported by AEA, the Canadian Evaluation Society, and other organizations representing evaluators and educators. Each paper provides a different view on the Standards by examining their original aspirations, their use in the field, and how they are disseminated and applied in the field by evaluators in various contexts. In addition to presenting their research findings, the study authors will discuss how the Standards have evolved and continue to be improved to meet the needs of professional evaluators and evaluation scholars. 

Title: Implications of varying definitions of evidence-based practice
Time: 4:15-5:15 pm
Location: Elite Hall B
WMU Presenter: Miranda Lee-Easton & Michael Maranda

Abstract: The evidence-based movement is a major force in behavioral health. There is often considerable variation in the way key terms related to evidence-based practice are defined and operationalized by different governmental agencies. We undertook an investigation of how key terms related to evidence-based practice are defined in state regulations and federal calls for funding of behavioral health interventions. This study found that three main models for defining terms were used. Additionally, the studies show that when terms are presented, they are often used differently across regulations and funding announcements. This presentation will present the results from these studies and will also discuss implications for state and federal policymaking in relation to evidence-based programming in behavioral health and how it will affect evaluators.


Wednesday, November 9

6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: Elite Hall A


Title: Essential Evaluation Tasks: A Framework for Guiding Evaluation Capacity Building in the Context of the National Science Foundation's Advanced Technological Education Program
Presenters: Kelly Robertson and Lori Wingate
Click here to learn about this study and download the task framework.
Title: Getting the Word Out: Translating Findings from Research on Evaluation
Presenters: Megan Lopez and Lyssa Wilson Becho
Meet the Author: Lori Wingate