NRCCTE’s Effectiveness and Performance on GPRA Measures

The Evaluation Center at Western Michigan University contracted with this project.

Dates: March 2009 through February 2013
Sponsor: The National Research Center for Career and Technical Education, University of Louisville
Project staff: Daniela Schroeter, principal investigator; Richard Zinser, co-principal investigator; Chris Coryn, methodologist; and Kelly Robertson, project manager.


This external evaluation assessed the National Research Center for Career and Technical Education’s effectiveness and performance on the Government Performance and Results Act measures. Panel studies are used to evaluate NRCCTE research relevance and product quality, and survey studies are used to review NRCCTE’s usefulness of technical assistance and quality of professional development. The findings were reported to the Department of Education’s Office of Vocational and Adult Education. In addition to the GPRA assessment, The Evaluation Center conducted an outcome evaluation of the Technical Assistance Academy, one of the major NRCCTE projects.

Activities 2010-11

Activities for 2010-11

Manuscripts in preparations

Coryn, C. L. S., Schroeter, D. C., Zinser, R. W., and Robertson, K. N. Evaluating for accountability against Government Performance and Results Act criteria of research relevance and product quality: A case example from a national research center. [Target journal: Research Evaluation]

Reports and briefing papers

  • Evaluation of NRCCTE’s Effectiveness and Performance on GPRA Measures: Final Year 1 (2007-08) Report (July 2009)
  • Evaluation of NRCCTE’s Effectiveness and Performance on GPRA Measures: Final Year 2 (2008-09) Report (February 2010)
  • Feedback for revising the panel studies: Briefing Paper 2 (July 2009)
  • Findings from the panel study: Briefing Paper 1 (July 2009)
  • Findings from the questionnaire: Briefing Paper 3 (July 2009)
  • Management plan for assessing NRCCTE’s performance against GPRA metrics (May 2009)
  • Management plan for assessing NRCCTE’s performance against GPRA metrics in 2010-11 (May 2010)
  • Synthesis of the Evaluation Methodology and Results of NRCCTE’s Effectiveness and Performance on GPRA Measures, Years 1 and 2 (April 2010)