
Publications and activities

The center's staff are engaged in publishing and presenting their research and work as well as leading training sessions for global audiences in pursuit of our mission to advance the theory, practice and utilization of evaluation.

Listed below are the publications and activities by center staff, many of which also feature interdisciplinary evaluation doctoral students.  



Evaluation Center staff members published 18 blogs in 2023-24.

Becho, L. W., & Harnar, M. (2023, November). Supporting open-access evaluation scholarship through JMDE. AEA365 blog. 

Hooker, S. (2023, November). Evaluation Café: Four decades of learning and growth. AEA365 blog. 

Hooker, S. (2024, January). Celebrating excellence: Insights from the 2023 Outstanding ATE Evaluation Awards nominations. EvaluATE blog.

Hooker, S. (2023, July). Reflecting on the 2023 ATE Evaluation Summit: Advancing evaluation practices in the ATE program. EvaluATE blog.

Marshall, V. (2024, May). Practicing what you preach: How do you talk about values? AEA365 blog.

Marshall, V., & Becho, L. W. (2024, March). Lessons learned from facilitating a virtual event. EvaluATE blog. Western Michigan University.

Marshall, V. (2024, June). Working with an evaluator: What to know. EvaluATE blog. 

Robertson, K. & Wingate, L. A. (2023, December 1). Developing evaluation elearning: Our journey and lessons learned. AEA365 blog. 

Robertson, K. & Wingate, L.A. (2024, April). Valeo: Practical self-paced online evaluation courses. EvaluATE blog. 

Robertson, K. & Wingate, L.A. (2023, August). Communicating a compelling evaluation plan in your ATE proposal: Using your evaluation results. EvaluATE blog. 

Robertson, K. & Wingate, L.A. (2023, July). Communicating a compelling evaluation plan in your ATE proposal: Reporting. EvaluATE blog. 

Robertson, K. & Wingate, L.A. (2023, July). Communicating a compelling evaluation plan in your ATE proposal: Data analysis and interpretation. EvaluATE blog. 

Robertson, K. & Wingate, L.A. (2023, July). Communicating a compelling evaluation plan in your ATE proposal: Data collection plan. EvaluATE blog. 

Robertson, K. & Wingate, L.A. (2023, July). Communicating a compelling evaluation plan in your ATE proposal: Evaluation focus. EvaluATE blog. 

Watts, B. (2023, November). Scholarship can support evaluation success. AEA365 blog.

Wingate, L. A. (2023, November 28). In defense of checklists: More than checking a box. AEA365 blog.

Wingate, L. A. (2023, November 26). Celebrating The Evaluation Center’s 50 years at Western Michigan University. AEA365 blog.

Youker, B. (2023, December). Managing student-evaluator anxiety and interpersonal communication. AEA365 blog.


In 2023-24, we published nine articles in as many journals.  

Lee-Easton, M., Magura, S., Abu-Obaid, R., Reed, P., Allgaier, B., Fish, E., Maletta A.L., Amaratunga P., Lorenz-Lemberg B., Levitas, M., & Achtyes, E. D. (2024). Polysubstance use patterns among individuals applying for opioid-use disorder treatment in the U.S. Journal of Substance Use, 1–8.

Lee-Easton, M. J., & Magura, S. (2023). Discrepancies in ratings of behavioral healthcare interventions among evidence-based program resources websites. Inquiry: A Journal of Medical Care Organization, Provision and Financing, 60, 469580231186836.

Lee-Easton, M. J., Magura, S., Abu-Obaid, R., Reed, P., Allgaier, B., Fish, E., Maletta A.L., Amaratunga P., Lorenz-Lemberg B., Levitas, M.,  & Achtyes, E. (2024). Direct-to-definitive urine and oral fluid test results for unscreened and rarely screened drugs in individuals applying for methadone treatment in 7 U.S. states. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 1–12.

Magura, S., Lee-Easton, M. J., Abu-Obaid, R., Reed, P., Allgaier, B., Fish, E., Maletta A.L., Amaratunga P., Lorenz-Lemberg, B., Levitas, M., & Achtyes, E. D. (2024). Prevalence and drug use correlates of inadvertent fentanyl exposure among individuals misusing drugs in seven U.S. states. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 1–9.

Magura, S., Lee-Easton, M. J., Abu-Obaid, R., Reed, P., Allgaier, B., Fish, E., Maletta A.L., Amaratunga P., Lorenz-Lemberg B., Levitas M. & Achtyes, E. D. (2023). Comparing presumptive with direct-to-definitive drug testing in oral fluid vs. urine for a U.S. national sample of individuals misusing drugs. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 250,

Magura, S., Lee, M.J., Abu-Obaid, R.N., Landsverk, J., DeCamp, W. Rolls-Reutz, J. & Perkins, D.F. (2023). The influence of evidence-based program registry websites for dissemination of evidence-based interventions in behavioral healthcare. Evaluation and Program Planning, 97(102214).

Montrosse-Moorhead, B., Schröter, D., & Becho, L.W. (2024). The garden of evaluation approaches. American Journal of Evaluation, 42(2), 166-185.

Youker, B.W., & Ballard, A. (2024). Goal-free evaluation: An orientation for foundations’ evaluations – Updated 2024. The Foundation Review, 16(1). (Original work published 2014.)

Youker, B.W. (2024). Scriven's goal-free evaluation. Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation, 20 (47).


Evaluation Center staff regularly present at national and regional conferences. In 2023-24, our staff gave 12 presentations at five conferences.

Becho, L.W. (2024, April). Stories from an evaluator. Invited presentation at the Tennessee Tech University annual symposium for Program Planning and Evaluation, Virtual.

Becho, L. W., & Lopez, M. (2023, July). Crafting clear and concise logic models for successful ATE proposals and evaluations. Presentation at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Becho, L. W., Leung, K., & Lewis, J. (2023, October). Developing and assessing success metrics for work-based learning. Presentation at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.

Becho, L. W., & Sturgis, E. (2023, October). Celebrating ATE’s evolution through findings from the ATE Survey. Presentation at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.

Becho, L. W., Owens, K., & Silvers, P. (2023, October). What PIs need to know about preparing NSF annual reports – Now! Presentation at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.

Becho, L.W., & Dean, K. (2023, October). Words create worlds: Using appreciative inquiry and the power of stories for strategic thinking. Presentation at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Indianapolis, IN.

Echols-Miller, E., Osbourne, J., Watts, B., & Wingate, L. (Oct. 13, 2023). Fulfilling the multi-faceted commitments of university-based evaluation centers. Presentation at the American Evaluation Association annual conference, Indianapolis, IN.

Marshall, V. (2023, July). From evaluation to action: Using evaluation findings to improve your project. Presentation at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Atlanta, GA. 

Marshall, V. (2023, October). Values and valuing in evaluation: A mixed method study. Poster at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Indianapolis, IN.

Marshall, V., & Slowinski, M. (2023, July). Workplace-based learning in ATE. Poster at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Atlanta, GA. 

Marshall, V., & McKeown, G. (2023, October). Facilitators to evaluation in ATE. Breakfast roundtable at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.

Robertson, K. N., & Wingate, L. A. (2024, April). Valeo: Practical evaluation training powered by Western Michigan University. Western Michigan Evaluators Network. [virtual] 


EvaluATE hosts open-access webinars to support evaluators and project staff with practical tools and insights. Each session is recorded and made available to the evaluation community, ensuring continued access to critical learning materials at any time.

In 2023-24, EvaluATE held five webinars:

Becho, L.W., & Hooker, S., (2024, June). Evaluation essentials for non-evaluators: Understanding the basics and benefits of evaluation.

Becho, L.W., & Hooker, S., (2024, March). Strategies and insights into evaluation plans for NSF ATE proposals (Mentor Connect).

Becho, L.W., & Hooker, S., (2024, February). Evaluation essentials for non-evaluators: Understanding the basics and benefits of evaluation (Mentor Connect).

Becho, L.W., & Vanegas, G., (2024, February). Transforming STEM education: Unleashing qualitative insights for inclusive learning environments.


Becho, L.W., & Lopez, M. (2023, October). Interpreting Evaluation Data – Unlocking Insights for Project Improvement. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.

Becho, L.W., Brobst, J., Brown, E., Gruber, J., Heath, B., LoRe, S., & Tewalt, T. (2023, July). ATE Evaluators: Connect, Share, Learn. Special Interest Group (SIG) at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Lopez, M., & Wingate, L.A. (2024, April). A grants professional’s guide to getting the most out of your evaluation. Workshop at the Florida Council for Resource Development conference, Miami, FL.

Lopez, M., & Wingate, L.A. (2024, April). Strategies and insights for evaluation planning for federal grant proposals. Workshop at the Florida Council for Resource Development conference, Miami, FL.




Robertson, K., & Wingate, L. (2023, June). Communicating a compelling evaluation plan in your ATE proposal, Part 1: The evaluator. EvaluATE blog.

Robertson, K., & Wingate, L. (2023, June). How ATE proposal evaluation plans have changed over time: 2004-17. EvaluATE blog.

Watts, B. (2023, March). Lessons learned from the history of making a university-based center. AEA365: A Tip-A-Day by and for Evaluators.

Wingate, L. (2022, August). ATE evaluation judges advise alignment. EvaluATE blog.

Wingate, L., Robertson, K., Rucks, L., & FitzGerald, M. (2022, August). Using evaluation plans to study evaluation capacity. AEA365: A Tip-A-Day by and for Evaluators.

Wingate, L., & Robertson, K. (2022, August). Keeping participants involved in long-term studies. AEA365: A Tip-A-Day by and for Evaluators.



Ruh, R., Williams, C.T., Lopez, M., & Becho, L. (2022). Barriers to collecting student participation and completion date for a national STEM education grant program in the United States: A multiple case study. International Journal of STEM Education, 9(30).  

Magura, S., Lee, M.J., Abu-Obaid, R.N., Landsverk, J., DeCamp, W. Rolls-Reutz, J., Perkins, D.F. (2023). The influence of evidence-based program registry websites for dissemination of evidence-based interventions in behavioral healthcare. Evaluation and Program Planning, 97, 102214.   

Lee-Easton, M.J., Magura, S., Maranda, M.J., Landsverk, J., Rolls-Reutz, J., Green, B., DeCamp, W., & Abu-Obaid, R. (2022). A scoping review of the influence of evidence-based program resources websites for behavioral health. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 50(3), 379-391.   

Lee-Easton, M.J., Magura, S., & Maranda, M.J.  (2022). Utilization of evidence-based intervention criteria in U.S. federal grant funding announcements for behavioral healthcare. Inquiry, 59, 1-16.

Maranda, M.J., Lee-Easton, M.J., Magura, S. (2022). Variations in definitions of evidence-based interventions for behavioral health in eight selected U.S. states.  Evaluation Review, 46(4), 363-390.

Lee-Easton, M.J., Magura, S., Abu-Obaid, R.N., Landsverk, J., DeCamp, W., Rolls-Reutz, J., Moore, K., Firpo-Triplett, R., Buckley, P.R., Stout, E.R., & Perkins, D.F. (2022). Visitors’ assessment and utilization of evidence-based program resources websites. Substance Use & Misuse, 57(11), 1688-1697.

Magura, S., Lee, M.J., Abu-Obaid, R.N., Landsverk, J., DeCamp, W., Rolls-Reutz, J., Green, B., Ingoglia, C., Hollen, V., Flagg, A. (2022). State department and provider agency utilization of evidence-based program registers in behavioral healthcare and child welfare. Evaluation and the Health Professions, 45(4), 397-410.

Lee, M.J., Maranda, M.J., Magura, S., & Greenman II, G. (2022). References to evidence-based program resource websites for behavioral health in U.S. state government statutes and regulations. Journal of Applied Social Science, 16(2), 442-58.

Watts, B.R., Castillo, R.P., Akwetey, J.F., & Pham, D.T. (2023). The program evaluation standards in evaluation scholarship and practice. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Vol. 19, No. 43.

Fitzpatrick, J.L., Sanders, J.R., Worthen, B.R., & Wingate, L.A.  (2023). Program evaluation: Alternative approaches and practical guidelines (5th ed.). Pearson.

Wingate, L.A., Tilton, Z., & Harnar, M.  (2023). Metaevaluation: Key concepts explained in R. International Encyclopedia of Education (4th ed.). Elsevier.

Wingate, L.A., Robertson, K., FitzGerald, M., Rucks, L., Tsuzaki, T., Clasen, C., & Schwob, J. (2022). Thinking outside the self-report: Using evaluation plans to assess evaluation capacity building. American Journal of Evaluation, 42(4), 515-538.



Schroter, D., Montrosse-Moorhead, B., & Becho, L.W. (2023, June). Locating realist evaluation within the garden of evaluation approaches. Presentation at the annual conference of the International Public Policy Association, Toronto, Canada.

Marshall, V., & Fields, J. (2023, May). Working with community organizations to address evaluation gaps and issues. Presentation at the annual Michigan Association for Evaluation conference, Lansing, MI.  

Marshall, V., Becho, L.W., & Slowinski, M. (2022, November). Bridging workplace-based learning research and practice in ATE. 2022 Advanced Technological Education Conference, virtual.

Sturgis, E., & Marshall, V. (2022, July). Making data useful for your ATE proposal: A how-to of the ATE data dashboard. Presentation at the HI-TEC 2022 Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.

Robertson, K.N., Wingate, L.A. (2022, November). Distilling evaluation practice into 43 essential tasks. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, New Orleans, LA.

Wingate, L.A. (2022, September). Evaluation basics for grant proposals. Lunch-and-Learn series. Western Michigan University Home Stryker School of Medicine, virtual.

Watts, B.R., Castillo, R.P., Akwetey, J.F., & Pham, D. (2022, November). The program evaluation standards in evaluation scholarship and practice. Presentation at the annual American Evaluation Association conference, New Orleans, LA.



Becho, L.W., & LoRe, S., & Rucks, L. (2022, September). Beyond research: Practical tools for your evaluation toolbox. EvaluATE.

Becho, L.W., & Hooker, S. (2023, March). Evaluation essentials for non-evaluators: Understanding the basics and benefits of Evaluation. For Mentor Connect. EvaluATE.

Becho, L.W., & Hooker, S. (2023, April). Strategies and insights into evaluation plans for NSF ATE Proposals. EvaluATE.

Becho, L.W., & Hooker, S. (2023, June). Evaluation essentials for non-evaluators: Understanding the basics and benefits of evaluation. EvaluATE.



Becho, L.W., Germuth, A., LoRe, S., & Tucker-Blackmon, A. (2022, July). ATE Evaluators: Connect, share, learn. Special Interest Group at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.




Becho, L. W., Lopez, M., Marshall, V. (2021, July). Adapting monitoring surveys to respond to and engage a community. EvaluATE blog.

Becho, L. W. (2021, December). Increasing evaluation transparency through positionality statements. EvaluATE blog.

Gullickson, A. (November, 2021). Building trust in evaluations. EvaluATE blog.

Watts, B. R. (September 2021). Three mistakes to avoid for your next grant proposal. EvaluATE blog.

Wingate, L. A., Burnett, A., Wahl, D., Wojick, C. (2021, December). I am: More than a checkbox. EvaluATE Blog.



Lee-Easton, M. J., Magura, S., Maranda, M. J. (2022). Utilization of evidence-based intervention criteria in U.S. Federal grant funding announcements for behavioral healthcare.” Inquiry, Jan-Dec (59), 1-16.  

Lee, M. J., Maranda, M. J., Magura, S., Greenman II, G. (2022). References to evidence-based program resource (EBPR) websites for behavioral health in U.S. state government statutes and regulations. Journal of Applied Social Science, 16(2)(June):442-58. 

Weller, B. E, Magura S., Smith D. R., Saxton, A. M., & Amaratunga, P. (2022). Gender differences in drug use among individuals under arrest, Journal of Substance Use (April). 

Watts, B. R. & Robertson, K. (2022). Impact of Established Restorative Practices in an Urban High School Environment. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 1-18.



Becho, L. W., Marshall, V., & Zelinski, M. (2021, July 21-22). Data-informed NSF ATE proposals: Exploring and using the new ATE Survey dashboard. Presentation at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Virtual. 

Marshall, V., & Magura, S. (2022, June 14-16). Bridging research and practice in post-overdose interventions in Michigan. Presentation at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Overdose Data to Action’s Recipient Meeting and Conference: Resiliency and Reflections: Overcoming Challenges and Highlighting Successes, Virtual.  

Marshall, V. (2022, May 11-12). Lessons from the field: Marrying equity lenses and evaluation approaches. Presentation at the Michigan for Association Conference, Virtual.  

Montrosse-Moorhead, B., Schröter, D., & Becho, L. W. (2022, June). Shifting how we think about and use evaluation theories, schools, and approaches in practice. Paper presented at the bi-annual meeting of the European Evaluation Society, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Schröter, D., Montrosse-Moorhead, B., & Becho, L. W. (2022, June). Evaluation theory and approaches reclassified: Fostering comprehension of and communication about evaluation. Paper presented at the bi-annual meeting of the European Evaluation Society, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Schröter, D., Montrosse-Moorhead, B., & Becho, L. W. (2022, April). Evaluation approaches for public management. Presentation at the 2022 conference of the International Research Society in Public Management (IRSPM), Virtual.

Sturgis, E., Zelinsky M. (2022, May). Designing survey demographic questions with equity in mind. Presentation at the Michigan Evaluation Association conference, virtual. 

Wingate, L.A., (2022, March). Evaluation basics for grant proposals. Discovery Acceleration series, Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation, Western Michigan University, Virtual.

Wingate, L.A., (2022, June). Lunch with stories from inspiring evaluators. Panelist for EvalYouth Event, Virtual.



Becho, L.W. & Binder, E. (2021, September). Next-level logic models for your ATE proposal and beyond. EvaluATE

Becho, L.W. & Binder, E. (2021, December). Strategies for reporting qualitative evaluations. EvaluATE

Becho, L.W., & Binder, E. (2022, February). The art and science of asking meaningful evaluation questions. EvaluATE.

Binder, E. (2022, February). Evaluation crash course for non-evaluators. A webinar for Mentor-Connect mentees. EvaluATE

Becho, L.W., Chen, M., Datta, R., Gullickson, A, and Gullickson, A. (2022, May). Leveraging assessment and evaluation for student success: Working smarter not harder. EvaluATE.

Becho, L.W. (2022, June). Evaluation crash course for non-evaluators. A webinar for FORCCE-ATE and Mentor Up. EvaluATE.



Becho, L.W., (2021, October). Stories are data: Analyzing and reporting on qualitative evaluation. Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Virtual.




Becho, L.W. (2020, September). Making the most of virtual conferences: An exercise in evaluative thinking. EvaluATE blog.

Leeburg, E. (2021, March). Brand recognition with color. EvaluATE blog.

Marshall, V. (2020, November). Tips for building and strengthening stakeholder relationships. EvaluATE blog.

Marshall, V., Zelinsky, M., & Becho, L.W. (2021, June). Adapting monitoring surveys to response to and engage a community. AEA365: A Tip-a-Day by and for Evaluators.

Watts, B.R. (February 2021). PE Standards Week: (Re)Introducing the JCSEE Program Evaluation Standards. AEA365: A Tip-a-Day by and for Evaluators.

Wingate, L. A. (2020, September). Shorten the evaluation learning curve: Avoid these common pitfalls. EvaluATE Blog.



Maranda, M.J., Magura, S., Gugerty R., Lee, M.J., Landsverk J.A., Rolls-Reutz, J., & Green, B. (2021). State behavioral agency website references to evidence-based program registers. Evaluation and Program Planning, 85, 1-10. 

Magura, S., Weller, B.E., Smith, D.R., Saxton, M.M., & Amaratunga, P. (2021). Surveillance by oral fluid of drugs subject to misuse among individuals under arrest. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 47(2):247-254.

Magura, S., & Marshall, T. (2020) The Effectiveness of interventions intended to improve employment outcomes for persons with substance use disorder: An updated systematic review. Substance Use and Misuse, 55(7): 1-7.



Becho, L.W. (2020, July). Evalu….What? A quick introduction to evaluation [Conference presentation]. High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Virtual.

Becho, L.W., Bragg, D., Cosgrove, J., & Zarch, R. (2020, October). Evaluations in the era of COVID-19 [Conference presentation]. Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Virtual.

Leeburg, E., (2020, October). Getting started for new grantees [Conference presentation]. Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Virtual.

Maranda, M.J., Lee, M.J., & Magura, S. (2021, October). What terms do states use to describe evidence-based behavioral health interventions, and how do they define them? [Conference presentation] Annual Conference of the Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology, Virtual.

Marshall, V. (2021, April). Wrong turns and lessons learned: Evaluations with federal and state-funded programs [Conference presentation]. West Michigan Evaluators Network, Virtual.

Marshall, V., & Becho, L.W. (2020, July). Data-driven proposals: Using ATE Survey findings in your next ATE proposal [Conference presentation]. High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Virtual.

Marshall, V., & Becho, L.W. (2020, October). Annual surveys in STEM: Lessons learned from over two decades [Conference presentation]. American Evaluation Association Conference, Virtual.

Wingate, L.A., & McMartin, F. (2020, October). Visioning the future of evaluation in the ATE program [Conference presentation]. Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators, Virtual.



Boyce, A., Smith, T., & Leeburg, E. (2021, May). What gets measured gets done: Exploring ATE evaluators and principal investigators’ attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion [Webinar].

Becho, L.W., & Leeburg, E. (2021, February). Evaluation crash course for non-evaluators [Webinar].

Becho, L.W., & Leeburg, E. (2020, August). How to avoid common pitfalls when writing evaluation plans for ATE proposals [Webinar].

Becho, L.W., Leeburg, E., & Harnar, M. (2020, December). Making the most of your evaluation: How to use evaluation findings to benefit your project [Webinar].



Becho, L.W., & Harnar, M. (2020, October). Use it or lose it: How to get the most out of your project evaluation [Workshop]. Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Virtual.

Leeburg, E. & Becho, L.W. (2020, December). Creating one-page reports: A workshop on how to engage busy readers [Workshop] EVAL 6970, Western Michigan University, Virtual.

Leeburg, E., & Becho, L.W. (2020, September). How to develop one-page evaluation reports to engage a busy audience [Workshop]. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Virtual.