This book features contributions from 26 established and emerging evaluation scholars. The authors are diverse in terms of gender identity, sexual orientation, age, countries of residence and origin, as well as evaluation experience, training, and sector.
- Gender identity: Five authors identify as queer, two as bisexual, two as gay or lesbian, and 19 as straight or heterosexual (one person chose not to share their sexual identity).
- Age: Authors’ ages range from 26 to 67, with a median of 40.
- Race and Ethnicity: Nine authors identify as Black, African-American, African, or Caribbean; nine as White; four as Latino/a/e; two as Asian or East Asian or Indian; one as both Asian/East Asian/Indian and Middle Eastern; and one as Indigenous Arab
- Countries of residence and origin: The authors reside in eight different countries, including the United States (n=19), Australia, Botswana, Canada, Costa Rica, Germany, Kenya, and South Africa. Eight authors’ nation of origin is different from where they currently reside.
- Years in evaluation: The authors’ years of experience working or studying in the evaluation field ranges from three to 31, with a median of 12.
- Sector: Half of the authors (n=13) work in academia, with others working in government, for-profit enterprises, or non-profits.