
EvaluATE: Webinars, Blogs, Resources

New to evaluation, writing an evaluation plan, or looking to learn more? We can support you in all things evaluation.

EvaluATE is the evaluation hub for the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program. We serve evaluators, project leaders and staff, grant specialists, and college administrators as the go-to partner for all things evaluation. Our team is based at The Evaluation Center but includes evaluators and researchers from across the country. 



EvaluATE offers open-access webinars throughout the year. Webinars are geared toward evaluators and project staff on ATE grants but have information that can easily be adapted to any context.


In EvaluATE’s community-driven blog, evaluators and project staff share real-world insights about all aspects of evaluation.


Whether you’re looking for guidance on planning and evaluation, collecting data, or writing reports, you will find it here. Resources can be filtered by type and by their relevant evaluation task area.