Valley Dining Center Weekly Updates
The following documents present the detailed progress and future development of the new Valley Dining Center:
- February 2nd, 2016: Beginning hanging drywall on 2nd floor and exterior concrete panels.
- January 18th, 2016: Clerestory curtain wall glass and 2nd floor ductwork installation plus setting generator.
- January 11th, 2016: Beginning curtain wall framing, install clerestory angle and pour chiller walls.
- January 4th, 2016: Continuing interior studs and roofing west end.
- December 14th, 2015: Continuing plumbing and electrical work, pouring main steps.
- November 30th, 2015: Underground plumbing plus electrical and roof installation.
- October 12th, 2015: Medal stud parapet framing begins.
- October 5th, 2015: Steel erection continues from east to west, waterproofing and backfilll of north wall.
- September 21st, 2015: Steel erection continues on southeast and underground plumbing begins.
- September 14th, 2015: Steel erection on the northeast and fooling excavation.
- August 17th, 2015: Concrete pouring and asphalt for pavements.