Climate Savers

Question and facts

Fiction: When I open a window, it only affects my immediate space.

Fact: In campus buildings, opening windows causes temperature and humidity fluctuations that can affect the balance of the entire building. As a result, the building's heating and cooling equipment expend more energy. Keep your windows closed, and inform your manager if your work environment is uncomfortable.

Fiction: Leaving a light on uses less energy than turning it off and on.

Fact: Every light that is off helps to save energy. Leaving lights on for any amount of time uses more energy than turning them off when not needed. When you leave a room, turn off the lights.

Fiction: Leaving my computer on uses less energy than turning it off when not in use and then back on.

Fact:   Turning your computer off saves the greatest amount of energy. Many computers now have an energy-saving mode that will reduce the computer's energy consumption, but this does not stop its energy use. New computers' hard disks are also designed to withstand powering on and off and, in fact, last longer due to reduced heat stress and mechanical wear. Turn off your computer when it is not in use.