Where Research, Innovation, and Education meet

The Laboratory for Advances in Rehabilitation Sciences (LARS) is committed to serve as a centralized research facility in which faculty and students can conduct basic science and translational research pertaining to human motor control, neuroscience, biomechanics and physical rehabilitation.

Since 2019, the LARS has involved undergraduate and graduate students, provided local community services, and provided opportunities for minorities to engage in a scientific career.

We concentrate our research efforts on aspects of human movement control focusing on how the Central Nervous System relates to muscles and the environment to elaborate the broad repertoire of motor skills we observe in our daily tasks. Our specific interests are concentrated, but not limited to the following aspects of human movement.

  • Motor learning and re-learning.
  • Multi-muscle and multi-joint coordination regarding movement and postural control.
  • Neural mechanisms involved in human actions.
  • Development and assessment of interventional methods.
  • Development and assessment of interventional technologies (assistive devices, wearables, prosthetics, orthotics, dedicated systems for the recording and analysis of human movement performance).



Partnerships with other laboratories and industry

The LARS is also committed to work with any researcher, laboratory or industry sector interested in the development of technologies and discoveries intended to improve global quality of life. Our current capabilities allow us to develop such technologies as well as serve an independent testing facility for products developed by third parties.