From India to Kalamazoo—How Thenappan Kannan is making the world his classroom

thenappan kannan, MBA'18

Why did Thenappan Kannan decide to travel more than 8,000 miles away from home to get his MBA at Western Michigan University? We had the chance to sit down with him to discuss his experience living abroad and how the Haworth College of Business is teaching him more about himself than he ever expected.

Why did you choose your major? Is it something you have always been interested in?

Before I decided to get my MBA, I was working in a construction and management firm for three years. I was seriously involved in time management, vendor management and client and project management tasks there. I always loved solving critical problems and figuring out the best solutions. Over time, I sensed that I should pursue something more. I was consistently working on information technology projects at my job, so I decided to go one step higher academically and join the dual degree MBA program at WMU.

What is the most exciting professional or academic experience you’ve had thus far in college?

I love the international collaboration I have with students from all over the world. Once I stepped foot onto U.S. soil, I became familiar with different cultures, styles of clothing, food and languages. I’m happy to say I now have more than 200 international friends here in America. I love how friendly, kind and compassionate people are. When I need something, I see plenty of hands extend to help me.

What organizations are you involved in on or off campus?

Since May 2018, I have been working with SalesPage Technologies LLC as an IT project coordinator intern. I’m also a graduate and research assistant in the Department of Management at the Haworth College of Business. In addition, I had the pleasure of being Dr. Tim Palmer’s teaching assistant and a student assistant for Dr. Bruce Ferrin.

How is the Haworth College of Business helping prepare you to reach your academic and professional goals?

The business college has provided me so many ways to help achieve my goals. To name a few, I always make use of the lab facilities, communication center, library and career center on campus. MBA academic advisor, Barb Tomczak has been so kind, and everyone in the communication center is always willing to help me with a presentation or research paper.

Do you have a specific class or professor who made a lasting impact for you?

I am inspired by Dr. Palmer, professor of management, who teaches sustainability and business ethics. I’ve gotten to know him well over the past two years. He has been like a second father to me and has guided me through a lot of my ups and downs. He taught me to stay hungry and to learn something new every day.

What is your advice to fellow students who are looking to get the most out of their college experience?

Explore different opportunities while you’re here. If a person who is 8,431 miles away from home can have a great experience, anyone can!

What are your plans for the future?

I want to become a data scientist—a person with information is the king of tomorrow’s world.