Flags lowered Monday for Gunnery Sgt. Daniel J. Price
LANSING, Mich.—By order of Gov. Rick Snyder, U.S. flags on all campuses of Western Michigan University and throughout Michigan will be lowered to half-staff Monday, Aug. 13, in honor of Gunnery Sgt. Daniel J. Price, of Zeeland, Mich.
Price, 27, died July 29 while conducting combat operations in Badghis province, Afghanistan. He was assigned to the 1st Marine Special Operations Battalion at Camp Pendleton, Calif.
Immediately after graduating from high school in 2003, Price joined the U.S. Marine Corps. He enlisted in several special operations schools, including the Army Airborne School, and completed the combat water safety swimmer and combatant diver courses. Price served three tours of duty in Iraq, where he was promoted to sergeant, and three tours in Afghanistan. He received the Bronze Star with Combat V, a Purple Heart, three Combat Action Ribbons and three Good Conduct Medals.
Visitation is tonight, Aug. 9, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Langeland-Sterenberg Funeral Home in Holland, Mich. The funeral service will take place Saturday, Aug. 11, at 10 a.m. at Central Wesleyan Church in Holland, Mich.
Former Gov. Jennifer M. Granholm issued a proclamation in 2003, requiring U.S. flags to be lowered to half-staff throughout Michigan and on Michigan waters to honor Michigan servicemen and servicewomen killed in the line of duty. Michigan was among the first states to honor its fallen sons and daughters by lowering flags.