Distinguished Faculty Scholar nominations sought

Contact: Jeanne Baron
October 29, 2013

KALAMAZOO—Nominations are due Friday, Jan. 31, 2014, for the Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award, the highest honor Western Michigan University bestows on its faculty members.

The award is based on outstanding professional achievements. It recognizes those whose work is widely known beyond campus and constitutes a significant body of achievement, most of which has been accomplished while a WMU faculty member. Wide recognition beyond WMU is essential.

Current, continuing board-appointed full- and part-time employees with faculty rank are eligible if they have at least seven academic years of service to WMU and are not previous winners. Any member of the University community, including retired faculty members, may submit a nomination.

The recipients will be honored during the 2014 Academic Convocation and receive a $2,000 honorarium that becomes part of their base salaries, a plaque, and an opportunity to present a campus lecture, exhibition or performance.

For more information, visit wmich.edu/research and click the Awards link or contact Ernst A. Breisach, professor emeritus in history and chair of the Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award Committee, at eabreisach@gmail.com or (269) 344-1734.