Nominations open in honorary degree process

KALAMAZOO, Mich.—Following a policy approved in 2015 by the Western Michigan University Board of Trustees, WMU's Honorary Degree Committee has issued a call for nominations of individuals to be considered for honorary degrees from the University in 2017.

The committee will accept nominations through the end of September and review the nominations received in October and November.

Its recommendations for up to three nominations will be made to WMU President John M. Dunn no later than Dec. 1, with the intent that any degrees approved be awarded during April commencement.

Last year, a single honorary degree was awarded to French composer Michel Jean Legrand during a private ceremony that took place in conjunction with the Gilmore Keyboard Festival.

This year's nominations should be sent to Kathryn L. Hillenbrand, chair of the Honorary Degree Committee, at Guidelines for nominations and details about the evaluation and selection process can be found online at

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