July 2024 WMU News

WMU faculty to reshape induction and mentoring programs of future educators

Faculty partnered with the Michigan Department of Education to develop Project IMPACT. The project will receive $425,000 to support educators by creating training materials and setting standards for mentors who work with new administrators, counselors, and teachers.

Strong supporter of student success named dean of Merze Tate College

Dr. Luchara Wallace, director of the Lewis Walker Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnic Relations and an associate dean in Western Michigan University's College of Education and Human Development, has been named dean of Western's Merze Tate College.

Finding his way: coursework, experiences and support

Colton Hicks is finding the type of engineer he hopes to become with support from his Western professors and through professional experiences.

WMU engineering student receives scholarship from honor society

Engineering student Anika Tabassum is the second student this semester to be named a Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society scholar. The designation comes with a $2,000 scholarship.

WMU history professor discovers new stories of early Colombia

At the close of the spring 2023 semester, Dr. Ángela Pérez-Villa, Western Michigan University assistant professor of history, was awarded the Citizen and Scholars Institute Fellowship, a prestigious and competitive grant to continue research for her upcoming book.

Arts administration grad thriving in community-driven theatre company

Kayde Moore found their stride in arts administration, and a successful internship led to a full time job with Face Off Theatre Company as an arts administrator and audience development associate.

WMU student, veteran pursues passion for mental health and counseling

Six year U.S. Army veteran Dwane Dabney is realizing his passion for helping others in WMU's counselor education program. Developing his professional identity with faculty, he is now seeing clients for their mental health concerns.

Environmentally-focused student reels in internship with Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

Kiona Powers, a rising sophomore at Western Michigan University, is already getting her feet wet in her field of study. She recently secured an internship with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services where she engages directly with local fishers, anglers and river goers to promote the Eat Safe Fish Program, educating the community on healthy fish consumption and mitigating health risks.

Doctoral student earns recognition for research

A passion for safety and research in her industry has placed Baraah Qawasmeh at the forefront of innovative projects and well-deserved achievements.

Western’s women’s aviation team finishes fourth in ‘empowering’ cross-country race

This was WMU’s 20th race since 2000, which culminates events during the past year dedicated to encouraging and promoting the tradition of pioneering women in aviation.

From AI to detecting fraud to supply chains: WMU business faculty’s research applies to industry

For faculty in the college of business, applied research is their forte, and it makes fundamental differences in how businesses are run day to day. Check out some of the work of leading researchers who are moving the needle toward the future of business.