WMU Research Acceleration Program (WRAP)

Policy number 17-02.4
Responsible office Office of Research and Innovation
Enforcement official
Enforcement official
Vice President for Research and Innovation
Classification Board of Trustees-delegated Policy
Category Research and Intellectual Property

Statement of policy

The purpose of the WMU Research Acceleration Program (WRAP) is to enhance the extramural support of research and sponsored projects at Western Michigan University (WMU).  This Policy governs the use of university funds provided to departments, centers, institutes, colleges, and investigators based on expenditure of extramural funding from sponsored grants and awards.

Summary of contents/major changes

This policy replaces the former policy titled Policy for Use of Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Funds Returned to Departments, Centers, Institutes, Colleges, and Investigators.  The previous policy outlined acceptable use of F&A funds reinvested directly with departments, centers, institutes, colleges, and investigators.  This policy establishes a pool of funds equal to a portion of the recovered F&A funds from externally funded sponsored projects, which WMU may then reinvest to stimulate additional research and external funding, and outlines acceptable use of those funds.  This policy replaces the previous Indirect Cost Accounts (IDC) with WRAP accounts.  It also expressly addresses residual balances from fixed price contracts.

1. Purpose of Policy

The purpose of the WMUResearch Acceleration Program (WRAP) Policy is to enhance the Discovery mission and extramural support of research and sponsored projects at WMU and better define the uses for these reinvested funds.

2. Stakeholders Most Impacted by the Policy

This policy applies to all research personnel (employees, faculty, students, research staff) applying for research and sponsored projects conducted under the auspices of WMU whether the research is conducted on- or off-campus.

3. Key Definitions

3.1 Proposal approval form (PAF) – The PAF contains all the information necessary for the Office of Research and Innovation to submit a grant on behalf of WMU. 

3.2 Facilities and Administrative Cost (F&A) – F&A costs are part of the funds awarded to the University to maintain the underlying research infrastructure such as the construction and maintenance of laboratories and high-tech facilities; energy and utility expenses; and safety, security, and other government-mandated expenses.

3.3 Sponsor Project - An externally funded research or scholarly activity that has a defined scope of work and/or set of objectives, which provides a basis for sponsor expectations.

4. Full Policy Details

4.1 One of WMU’s core missions is to promote the development and dissemination of new knowledge and its application to real world problems. The pursuit of such work is facilitated by external funding from grants and research contracts.  WMU may provide funds related to external sponsored programs to promote additional research and external funding via the WMU Research Acceleration Program (WRAP).  In addition, the fund will also allow departments, centers, institutes, and colleges to promote the development of supportive infrastructure such as staff, equipment and other aspects of scholarly pursuit.  Funds must be used to enhance and support research and creative activity.

WRAP creates a pool of funds equal to a portion of the recovered F&A funds from externally funded sponsored projects.  WMU may reinvest these funds directly with the departments, centers, institutes, colleges, and/or investigators via a WRAP account, with the expectation that the funds will be used for additional research and external funding.  Additionally, WMU may reinvest residual balances from fixed price contracts in research.  Any uncollected F&A will first be recovered from the residual balance of the fixed price contract by WMU. Remaining funds will be placed into a WRAP account and are subject to this policy. 

The WRAP is a university investment, not an entitlement. Administrators and faculty may only use these funds to enhance the research efforts of the university.

4.4 Allowable Uses For WRAP Funds:

Funds are to be used for research and creative scholarship in support of current, externally funded activities or those that are likely to lead to external funding. Examples include:

  • 4.2.1 Support for undergraduate or graduate research assistants or staff
  • 4.2.2 Purchase of research supplies
  • 4.2.3 Purchase or repair of research equipment and computers
  • 4.2.4 Repair, renovation or construction of research space and facilities owned by Western Michigan University
  • 4.2.5 Research related travel for faculty or student researchers to professional meetings or to funding agencies
  • 4.2.6 Cost share or grant preparation activities, including support of tuition of graduate students on fellowships or grants
  • 4.2.7 Membership in Research Societies, purchase of research‐related publications (books, subscriptions to research journals), and publication costs
  • 4.2.8 Costs of developing and commercializing intellectual property that is owned or licensed by Western Michigan University

4.3 WRAP funds may not be used for:

  • 4.3.1 Entertainment, including holiday parties
  • 4.3.2 Purchase of alcohol
  • 4.3.3 Travel unrelated to research
  • 4.3.4 Donations to charitable organizations
  • 4.3.5 Teaching supplies or equipment not part of a research project
  • 4.3.6 Academic year salaries for the Principal Investigator except by prior approval of the Vice President for Research
  • 4.3.7 Any payment to companies or entities in which the principal investigator, co‐principal investigator(s), faculty member(s), staff member(s) or a member of their immediate families unless the conflict has been disclosed in accordance with  University Conflict of Interest 

4.4 Other Notes:

  • 4.4.1 If there is a disagreement over whether a specific expense may be paid using the WRAP fund, the Vice President for Research and Innovation or designee will make the final decision regarding approval of the expenditure.
  • 4.4.2 When a faculty member who has a WRAP fund leaves the University, funds remaining in WRAP cost centers are to be transferred to the department for the uses described above.
  • 4.4.3 Items purchased with WRAP funds are property of the University.

4.5 Communication

The policy was reviewed by both the Research Policy Council and the Research Advisory Team, and will be distributed via departments and colleges, as well as posted on the University’s policies webpage.

5. Accountability

Consequences for non-compliance with this Policy include disallowance of expenses, which must then be repaid by the department or college.  Additional consequences for non-compliance include possible individual disciplinary action for failure to follow applicable University policies and requirements.

6. Additional Information

Pre-existing project accounts termed indirect costs (IDC) will be replaced by WRAP accounts.  Residual balances from fixed price contracts will be placed into WRAP accounts and are subject to this policy.

Effective date of current version December 10, 2019
Proposed date of next review March 1, 2022
Certified by

Betty McKain

Director, Grants and Contracts 

Office of Research and Innovation

At the direction of

Terri Goss Kinzy, Ph.D.

Vice President 

Office of Research and Innovation