RJAC relies on a collaborative structure comprised of the Core Team, Subcommittee Chairs Team, Whole Committee Meetings, and Subcommittee to fulfill the charge. More information about each of these elements is detailed below.
Core Team
Members: Executive Champion, Administrative Support, Chair, Co-Chair
Scope of Responsibilities:
- Facilitate work of RJAC
- Report to Board of Trustees and Cabinet
- Advocate for Resources
- Amplify Work to Promote Real Change
- Communicate transparently and often
- Support Subcommittee chairs in their roles
Whole Committee
Members: Appointed WMU Faculty, Staff, Administrators, Students and Alumni
Scope of Responsibilities:
- Engage in RJAC meetings
- Contribute to formation of cohesive actions and recommendations across subcommittees
- Form culture of change actions steps
- Honor community engagement agreement
Subcommittee Chairs
Members: Chairs and Co-Chairs from each subcommittee
Scope of Responsibilities:
- Facilitate RJAC Subcommittee meetings
- Engage with RJAC Core team and Subcommittee chairs to identify areas of overlap but also themes arising across teams
- Provide feedback on topics prior to taking them to the whole committee for discussion
Members: Assigned RJAC members
Scope of Responsibilities:
- Regularly attend subcommittee meetings and be actively engaged
- Form recommendations and related accountability measures related to assigned topic area
- Engage content experts as needed
- Present recommendations to whole committee
RJAC Leadership

Candy McCorkle, Ph.D.
Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Diversity and Inclusion

Ron Cisler, Ph.D.
Dean and Professor, College of Health and Human Services
Administrative Support

Enedelia Cruz
Executive Assistant Senior, Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Subcommittee Chairs

Kate Bates
Associate Director, Office of Student Engagement

Amy Brimmer
Director of Compensation, Human Resources

Rashid Deme
WMU Alumnus

Tony Dennis
Director of Graduate Student Recruitment & Retention, Graduate College

Ed Eckel
Engineering & Applied Sciences Librarian & Associate Professor, University Libraries

Hardy Figueroa
Director of Alumni Relations, University Advancement

Jayne Fraley-Burgett
Director, Disability Services for Students

Tianna Gee
Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations, University Advancement

Amanda Geer
Copywriter, WMUx

Dave Paul
Chair, Department of Philosophy

Maria Roche-Dean
Assistant Professor, Bronson School of Nursing

Luchara Wallace
Director, Lewis Walker Institute for the Study of Race & Ethnic Relations & Associate Professor, Special Education

LaTonja Wilson
Student Profess Specialist, College of Aviation