About Us

Western Michigan University's Science and Mathematics Program Improvement conducts client-centered, user-friendly program evaluations and professional consultations for K-12 schools, institutions of higher education, the State of Michigan Department of Education, nonprofit organizations and other education entities.
- SAMPI's projects focus on STEM (science-technology-engineering-mathematics), teaching and learning, systemic reform, underachieving schools, literacy, teacher professional development, curriculum implementation, instructional materials development, student assessment, data use, leadership development, and technology use in the classroom.
- SAMPI's team consists of researchers and staff with backgrounds in science, mathematics, K-12 and higher education settings, data management, statistics, and technology. SAMPI also draws on the expertise of WMU faculty as well as collaborators across the country.
- The SAMPI team uses a range of techniques, including standard evaluation procedures, research, professional development activities, materials and assessment studies, and other project-specific consultation services.
SAMPI is a center within the Mallinson Institute for Science Education in WMU's College of Arts and Sciences.