Publications and Presentations

Below are relevant publications and presentations authored by former and current researchers in Western Michigan University's Science and Mathematics Program Improvement. They are listed in descending order by publication date.



  • Williams, C.T., Wenger, A. (2022).  Evaluating the Effects of Field Schools on Emerging STEM Education Researchers. American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, 7-12 November (Submitted)
  • Petcovic, H., Bertman, S., Davis L, Kacmzarek S, Koch K, Long V, Ruhf R.J., Vellom P. (2022). Pathways to Science Teaching: Engaging Preservice K-12 Science Teachers in NGSS Science and Engineering Practices. Earth Educators’ Rendezvous. July; Twin Cities, Minnesota.
  • Ruhf, R.J., Williams, C.T., Zelinsky, M., and Becho, L.W. (2021). An Exploration of Current Systems for and Barriers to Counting Students Served by the Advanced Technological Education Programs. American Evaluation Association Conference, Virtual, 8-12 November.
  • Piazza, S.V., Williams, C.T., Protacio, M.S., & David, V. (2020). Examining the Quality of Evidence: Teacher Observation Research for English Learners. Literacy Research Association Virtual Conference, 2-5 December.
  • Protacio, M.S., David V., Piazza, S.V., & WIlliams, C.T. (2020). K-12 Teachers Growth in Implementing the SIOP Model. National Development Director's Meeting, Virtual, 27-28 October. (Poster)
  • Williams, C.T. (2020). Evaluating Partnerships as a Strategy for Enacting Change in K-12 STEM Education. American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Virtual, 27-30 October.
  • Petcovic, H., Davis, L. E., Bertman, S., Ellis T.D., Kaczmarek S.E., Koch K., Long, V., Ruhf R.J., Vellom P. (2019). Pathways to Science Teaching Immerses Preservice Teachers in Field-based Earth Science Research and K-8 Teaching. American Geophysical Union, December; San Francisco, California.
  • Williams, C.T., Piazza, S., Protacio, S., David, V. (2019). “Building Classroom Observation Capacity during a Research Project on ESL Teacher Preparation”. American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 11-16 November. (Poster).
  • Williams, C.T. and Rudge, D.W. (2019) Exploring the effects of using historical stories during genetics instruction on student understanding of NOS. AERA Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, 5-9 April.
  • David, V., Protacio, M.S., Williams, C.T., Piazza, S., and Kuo, H. (2019). Investigating the effectiveness of a professional development program on task-based language teaching. AERA Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, 5-9 April.
  • Protacio, M.S., David, V., Kuo, H., Piazza, S. and Williams, C.T. (2019). "The good and the bad: Teacher's perspectives in engaging English learners' parents and families. AERA Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, 5-9 April.
  • Williams, C.T. and  Rudge, D.W. (2018). Effects of historical story telling on student understanding of NOS and Mendelian genetics. NARST Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, 9-12 March.
  • Sydlik, M.A., Williams, C.T., Ngulo, E. and Kasper, H. (2017). Translating complex data analysis into usable feedback for clients. American Evaluation Association Conference, Washington, D.C., 6-11 November.
  • Ruhf, R.J., Everett, K., Zorn, R. (2017). Evaluating the Impacts of Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP) Projects: An Example from Michigan. American Evaluation Association, November; Washington, District of Columbia.
  • Williams, C.T. and Beach, A.L. (2016). How deep is your network? A social network analysis of faculty development collaborations. POD Annual Conference, Louisville, KY, 9-13 November.
  • Walter, E.M., Williams, C.T., Kowalske, M.G., Henderson, C. and Beach, A. (2016). Comparing self-report and observational data: An investigation of faculty instructional practices. NARST Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 11-14 April.
  • Ruhf, R.J., Jenness, M., Oppliger, D. Evaluating Impact of Student Team-Based STEM Projects and Research: Successes and Challenges. American Evaluation Assocation. 2015 November; Chicago, Illinois.
  • Williams, C.T., Walter, E.M., Henderson, C. and Beach. A. (2015). Describing undergraduate STEM teaching practices: A comparison of instructor self-report instruments. NARST Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 11-14 April.
  • Ruhf, R.J., Sydlik, M.A., Everett, K. (2012). Coming to the Tale Late: Taking Over an Evaluation That is Already in Progress. American Evaluation Association, October; Minneapolis, Minnesota.
  • Ruhf R.J. (2011). The Challenges of Collecting Evaluative Data Across Long Distances Rather Than Face-To-Face. American Evaluation Association, November; Anaheim, California.
  • Sydlik M.A., Everett K, Ruhf R.J. (2011) Pass the Aspirin: When Projects Become Headaches. American Evaluation Association, November; Anaheim, California.
  • Ruhf R.J. (2011). What Role Should the Evaluator Take When a Project Is Off-Track?. American Evaluation Association, November; San Antonio, Texas.