Themes Sorted by Prompt

I like. I wish. I wonder.
Approximately 750 people attended four town halls at the end of Phase Four of Think Big. After presenting the brand strategy and the rigorous design process from which it emerged, attendees were invited to help improve the ideas, as is the common practice in this process.

Participants were asked to provide their thoughts in three categories: I like. I wish. I wonder. The exercise resulted in more than comments written on Post-It notes.

Here’s how the team distilled the comments down to a few simple insights.

  • First, within each of the three prompts (I like... I wish... I wonder...) the team sorted all the comments into sub-themes. Get an idea of what emerged by reviewing the actual Post-Its and themes.
  • Second, within each prompt we identified and ranked the top sub-themes by frequency, added definition to them, and assembled “representative comments” to provide more nuance. That detail can be found below.
  • Third, we combined common themes across the three prompts into one composite set of Participant Feedback.