College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5314 USA
(269) 276-3111
Dr. Zachary D. Asher
Zachary D. Asher, Ph.D, is director of the lab and an associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Western Michigan University. His research interests are focused on a real world realization of energy efficient and autonomous vehicles. To execute on this vision he actively seeks collaboration with a wide variety of stakeholders in industry, government and academia. He earned a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Colorado State University in May 2018, a M.S. in mechanical and aerospace engineering from the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs in 2012, and a B.S. in mechanical engineering from Colorado State University in May 2009. He also worked full time in engineering industry from 2009 to 2015.
Dr. Nicholas E. Brown
Dr. Johan Fanas Rojas
Ph.D. Graduate Research Assistants
Undergraduate Research Assistants
- WMU Graduation Year: Fall 2022
- Employer after graduation: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
- Job title: Researcher I
- LinkedIn profile
- WMU Graduation year: Spring 2022
- Employer After Graduation: Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)
- Job title: Connected and Automated Vehicle Research Engineer
- Connect with Nick on LinkedIn
Connect with Yara on LinkedIn
- WMU Graduation year: Spring 2020
- Employer After Graduation: Plastic Omnium
- Job title: Project Quality Lead
- Connect with Tushar on Linkedin
- WMU Graduation year: Spring 2020
- Employer after graduation: Reno Sub-Systems Inc.
- Job Title: Thermal and Mechanical Design Engineer
- Connect with Yogesh on LinkedIn
- WMU Graduation year: Spring 2020
- Employer After Graduation: HP Tuners LLC
- Job title: Controls Algorithm Engineer
- Connect with Amol on Linkedin