Project Timeline

March 28, 2018

  • Initial three-year plan presented to President Montgomery for approval.

 April through August 2018

  • Project kick-off (including invitation letters to work group appointees) and adoption of guiding principles by the strategic direction and steering committee.

 July through August 2018

  • Communicate guiding principles to the campus community and begin gathering bench-marking data to work groups.

 September 2018 through April 2019

  • Work groups receive charges and guiding principles, then work to develop draft recommendations on identified factors and budget technology needs.

 May through June 2019

  • Steering committee reviews recommendations and provides feedback to work groups and the core project team.
  • Core project team conducts mid-process review to ensure all budget factors are addressed and implementation timeline is on target with any potential modifications communicated to project champions for approval.
  • Infrastructure work group begins assessment of infrastructure and reporting needs.

 July through September 2019

  • Work groups finalize recommendations to the steering committee.

 October 2019

  • Steering committee reviews and approves final recommendations.

 November 2019 through June 2020

  • Core project team continues to model with FY 2019-20 data with input from the advisory group, provide feedback to the Strategic Direction and Steering Committee, and update stakeholders as needed.
  • Infrastructure finalizes reporting and infrastructure recommendations which will be available to stakeholders at implementation of new budget model.
  • Training work group begins assessment of training needs and review and update of business policies and processes.

 March through June 2020

  • Core project team integrates would-be model with annual budget planning process.

 July 2020 through April 2021

  • Training work group completes assessment of training needs and review and update of business policies and processes.
  • Start implementation activities, execute training plan and complete business process documentation.
  • Run would-be model in test environment, follow up on feedback during test/learn period, finalize any necessary policy changes and provide update to stakeholders.

July 2021 (fiscal year 2021-22)

  • Implement new budget model.