News and updates
- 2024-25 Instructional memo—budget booking for general, designated and auxiliary fund activities
- General fund budget outlook for 2023-24
- WMU—Where Does the Money Go?
- Budgeting Tips
- Position Authorization or Transaction Form?
- Terminating AY Faculty 2023 document is located on the HR website
- New Account Codes
Processes and information
- AAUP faculty 150 day calendar
- Designated fund 23 and 24 transfer policy
- Fringe rate letters are located on the Accounting Services website
- Reporting Resources at WMU (presentation slides)
- Salary object codes and fringes
User guides
- Department Maintained Encumbrance (DME) user guide
- PeopleSoft BES (budget entry spreadsheet) user guide
- PeopleSoft budget report user's guide
- WMU pay earnings user's guide