Enrollment Management CRM Project Requests

At any time, the Enrollment Management CRM has over 730 active users. These users encompass all units across the university who participate in the recruitment and yield of incoming students.

It is important for our CRM to meet the needs of our users, with input from our users. Therefore, we introduce our new process for project and product enhancement proposals.

Effective November 15, 2023, proposals for project and product enhancement are collected on a rolling basis. Each academic quarter, the Enrollment Management Technology team, in coordination with divisional leadership, review all active submissions and select between 1-5 projects to focus and complete. All projects are considered and selection is based on a variety of criteria, including but not limited to: size and scope of project, number of annual projects already slated for the upcoming academic quarter, and size and scope of impact. Proposals which impact large number of users and/or prospective students will receive priority consideration each quarter. We recommend working across units to enhance your scope of impact!

Priority Deadlines for Consideration
Deadlines that occur over a weekend or business holiday will be extended to the next business day.

  • Q1 (July- September): June 15

  • Q2 (October – December): September 15

  • Q3 (January – March): December 15

  • Q4 (April – June): March 15

What's a project or product enhancement?

It can be anything that would make the Enrollment Management CRM better. New field, new object, or even transitioning an entire business process into EM CRM. Options are endless!

Submit Project and Product Enhancement Proposals

Use this link to provide details about your project and product enhancement ideas and submit to the Enrollment Management Technology team. We ask a few questions, including a summary of the goals and problem(s) the proposal intends to solve, the impact the enhancement would make on the recruitment of incoming students, and the every day use of our faculty and staff. Submitting a project and/or product enhancement proposal does not guarantee acceptance by the project team. We try to get to everything, but not everything will make it on our roadmap.

Reporting an Issue

If you are a user experiencing challenges with existing features, please submit the issue via case through the CRM Support Form. This will be routed to a member of the Enrollment Management Technology team for resolution. 

The project and product enhancement form should only be used for new items.

Selected Projects

Take a look at some of the bigger projects that have been integrated over the last couple of years. Please note that projects on this list do not include the list of annual updates conducted on routine basis (i.e. application edits, inquiry uploads, event processes, etc.).

  • College of Education and Human Development Secondary Education Recruitment and Evaluation forms (started Spring 2023)
  • EngineeringCAS integration (started Spring 2023)
  • BSW program applications now in Enrollment Management CRM (2021/2022)
  • Signal Vine Implementation: Admissions (effective Spring 2023)
  • Signal Vine Implementation: Peer 2 Peer (effective Summer 2023)
  • Seita Scholar Interaction Logs (effective Fall 2023)
  • School of Music applications now in Enrollment Management CRM (effective Fall 2023)