
Evaluation and Research Services

We can evaluate your program, partner with you on the evaluation section of your grant application, or conduct custom research activities.

The Evaluation Center employs a team of multi-disciplinary professional evaluators who are available to conduct evaluations and provide custom research services for your project.  These activities fall into three main categories.


Evaluation of Existing Programs

Need an evaluator? Our staff has the experience and expertise necessary to evaluate your program or project. We work with both well-established programs and new ones that are just starting up.

Partnership on Grant Applications

Are you applying for a government or foundation grant? We will work with you to develop a compelling plan for evaluating your proposed project. We have extensive experience partnering on successful applications to federal agencies such as NSF, NIH, NASA, and the Department of Education.

Custom Services

Do you need help with a specific aspect of your evaluation or research project? We can help with developing logic models, designing and conducting surveys, data analysis, and more.