Neuro Rehab Clinic

Two women and a man with estim
The Western Michigan University Neuro Rehab Clinic offers occupational therapy services for children, adolescents and adults who are recovering from various neurological conditions.  Our goal is to provide evaluation and intervention from a holistic perspective in order to address safety, occupational performance, and general well-being. Intervention is designed to improve independent living skills, motor skills, and cognitive skills that target the individual's needs. Common diagnoses treated in the clinic include: 
  • Stroke
  • Post-concussion syndrome
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome 
  • Spinal cord injury 
  • Traumatic brain injury 
  • Neurovisual conditions

The WMU Neuro Rehab Clinic offers a comprehensive evaluation and treatment for each person. Areas addressed in evaluation and treatment include: 

  • Self-care skills including feeding, dressing, and grooming 
  • Home management including meal preparation, laundry, and bill paying, community mobility, and shopping
  • Fine, gross, and visual motor control skills 
  • Adaptive equipment and assistive technology to increase independence and quality of life
  • Cognition, communication, and safety
  • Sensory perception and detection

Clinical services are provided by graduate students under the professional supervision of a WMU OT faculty member. We serve individuals who are uninsured, underinsured, or have exhausted their therapy benefit yet show potential for improvement with continued OT services. There is no cost for services. Our referral sources include clinics, physicians, hospitals, and community members in Grand Rapids and surrounding areas. Clients may also self-refer. 

To make a referral or request more information, contact the clinic supervisor, Holly Grieves, OTD, OTRL at or (517) 388-1652. 

Neurologic Occupational Therapy Fellowship

We are excited to announce a fellowship partnership with Mary Free Bed. For more information about eligibility, the application process, and curriculum details, please refer visit Mary Free Bed's website: