You Are Stronger Than You Think

A white hand and a black hand fist bumping.
Posted by Dr. Irma Lopez on

We are midway through the semester, as hard as that is to believe. Strict social distancing and virtual teaching have made it a hard semester. You may be struggling with feelings of isolation from not being able to attend social gatherings. Human interaction is so important for coping with stress and a sense of being overwhelmed with academics, work, and other responsibilities. 

But in spite of all the hardships that COVID has brought, it has also forced some good changes in thinking, identity, and perspective: more than ever, college life is allowing you to assume the role of captain in your personalized exploration of knowledge and experiences. The pandemic is pushing you to develop and sharpen critical skills that will benefit you when you enter the job market. You are gaining confidence in yourselves because of the tasks you have completed in spite of the difficulties of adapting to virtual learning. Online learning has tested your strengths and revealed weaknesses to be corrected, has turned you into problem solvers, proactive learners, adaptable and independent thinkers - skills that will make you someone any employer would like to hire.  

So remember this as we go into the second half of the semester: the path might seem difficult at times, but don’t let yourself get down, even if you fail in the first attempt. Ask for help and do your very best, and eventually things will turn out to be not as hard as they seem at first. You have a great support system across campus: reach out to your professors, advisors, deans, staff members - all of whom are extraordinary and caring people who really want you to succeed!