A Legacy of Learning: The Karl and Joyce Sandelin Medallion Scholarship

Snapshot of Joyce and Karl Sandelin
Posted by Dr. Lopez on

This year marked many celebrations and successes and I'd like to highlight one now.

This spring semester the number of Medallion scholarships increased, thanks to the generous donation of Mr. Karl R. Sandelin (1928-2024) who left in his estate the necessary funds to endow a Medallion Scholarship that will bear his and his wife’s names: The Karl and Joyce Sandelin Medallion Scholarship. The Lee Honors family could not be more grateful for the gift and for what this scholarship represents - the opportunity for one more academically motivated high school student to benefit from the couple’s generosity.

As anyone who knew Mr. and Mrs. Sandelin can attest, their conviction that education is one of the most effective ways to improve personal satisfaction and community enhancement motivated them to bring about numerous positive changes. Their belief in this is reflected in the causes they championed throughout their lives, both monetarily and through their personal talents and time. 

For example, Mr. Sandelin served on the Kalamazoo Public Schools Board from 1966 to 1970 and was one of the primary forces behind securing the funds to build the current Kalamazoo Central High School, which opened in 1972. Mrs. Sandelin (1930-2016), actively supported her children’s schools and her husband’s efforts to enhance education in many ways. Through the years, they were both consistent donors to Western Michigan University. 

As President Emeritus John Dunn said of Mr. Sandelin upon learning of his passing, and his planned gift to WMU: “Karl Sandelin understood the value of education and through his generous Medallion gift we will always remember him fondly. ‘This is Karl,’ showing us once again his unending commitment to supporting students and their education.”

The Medallion Scholarship was close to both the Sandelins' hearts. Two of their grandchildren, Ryan and Jeffrey Breisach, were Medallion recipients while attending WMU (classes of 2005 and 2008, respectively), as well as a granddaughter-in-law, Carrie (Johnson) Breisach (class of 2005).  

The couple understood that when there is an investment in students and communities, the return is transformative. Tobi Breisach, Karl Sandelin’s daughter, put it best when she said the following: “The gift of opportunity from a Rotary International Scholarship to pursue a college education in the United States changed my father’s life. He met the love of his life at Western and graduated with skills that led him to a successful career in international business. Throughout their lives, my parents were always helping support and mentor students. It is fitting that my father wanted to pay forward the gift he received by donating his estate to fund an endowed Medallion scholarship.”

To learn more about their lives and legacy, please view the obituaries written by their families.
Mr. Karl R. Sandelin (1928-2024)
Mrs. Joyce A. Sandelin (1930-2016)