Interdisciplinary Graduate Certificate in Adapted Physical Education (APE) and Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS)
This program is offered fully online.
This Interdisciplinary graduate certificate is designed for teaching children with severe disabilities in a combined program structured in a way that allows students to develop professional competencies through the completion of a fully online program. The program prepares teachers to provide quality APE and PBIS services for K-12 children with severe disabilities in APE and SE classes. The program includes 27 credit hours or 9 courses.
Why this program at WMU?
Program completion leads to endorsement to teach APE for children with severe disabilities in physical education classes and/or provide PBIS service for children with severe disabilities in special education classes (for graduates with a valid teaching certificate in physical education or special education)
Who should apply?
Current special educators and physical education teachers interested in teaching adapted physical education for children with severe disabilities in physical education classes and/or provide positive behavioral intervention and supports service for children with severe disabilities in special education classes .
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