Resume Question Preview
Preview of Online Form
Please use this document to prepare your answers for the Medallion Scholarship Competition High School Activity Résumé online form. This shows how questions will appear on the form, however when completing the online form, you will not be able to save your answers and return at a later date once you begin the form. All competitors must complete their Résumé using the online form, no other methods of submission will be sent to the selection committee. After registering for a competition date, please submit your answers using the online form.
Medallion Scholarship Competition High School Activity Résumé
Academic Competitions, Institutes and Conferences:
Please explain your involvement in any academic competitions, institutes and conferences at the national, state/regional, and district/local level.
Awards and Honors:
Please list and briefly describe awards or honors you have received and the dates they were received.
Clubs and Organizations:
Please list and briefly describe your involvement with student organizations, including any leadership positions you have held and the years you participated in these activities.
Fine Arts:
List and briefly describe your involvement in the fine arts, including any leadership positions you have held and the years you participated in these activities.
List and briefly describe your involvement in athletics, including any leadership positions you have held and the years you participated in these activities.
Community Engagement:
Please list and briefly describe your participation in any community organizations, including religious groups and individual volunteer work. Note any leadership positions you have held and the years you participated in these activities.
Study Abroad Experiences:
List and briefly describe any countries you have visited including the dates of your visit(s), and the sponsoring organization(s), if applicable.
Service or Leadership Travel Experience:
List and briefly describe any service or leadership work that you have completed while traveling in the United States, but beyond your local community, including the dates of the experience(s).
Work Experience:
List and briefly describe any work or professional experiences, including unpaid professional internships as well as substantial family responsibilities.
Additional Information:
Please include any other information not described above that you would like the committee to know.
Video Submission:
Please provide a publicly accessible link to a video clip (no more than two minutes) that highlights (1) who you are, (2) what you are passionate about, and (3) why you should be a 2019 Medallion Scholar.