Edward Roth
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5434 USA

- M.M., Colorado State University
- Neuromusicology
- Neurologic music therapy
- Spirituality and health
Edward Roth is a professor in the School of Music at Western Michigan University.
As director of the BRAIN (Brain Research and Interdisciplinary Neurosciences) laboratory, Roth’s research is structured to investigate the neurological, physiological and psychological mechanisms of music perception and production, and the translation of these processes into clinically meaningful therapies. BRAIN has utilized and studied the application of patterned auditory stimuli on various motor exercises including ambulation training for persons with brain injuries, upper extremity rehabilitation for persons who have incurred a stroke and the development of complex motor learning sequences for amateur to semi-professional athletes. Roth has also published in diverse areas such as the use of music in enhanced counseling experiences, the Mozart Effect and cognitive rehearsal in motor rehabilitation.
Roth’s most recent courses have included a graduate seminar in neurologic music therapy as well as undergraduate courses in methods of music therapy, clinical improvisation and a neuroscience of music course titled "Your Brain on Music."