New Western View construction planned for fall occupancy

Contact: Cheryl Roland
May 9, 2012
Photo of Western View residential complex.
Western View residential complex

KALAMAZOO--Western Michigan University will add two or three new buildings to its popular Western View residential complex, using a fast-track construction plan to complete the effort for a fall 2013 opening.

Phase II of Western View will be located immediately west of the first phase. The new construction project, details of which are still being finalized, will consist of new residential buildings as well as a community building that will be available for use by all Western View residents.

The project will build on the success of Phase I of the Western View complex that opened in fall 2011. That 330-bed apartment-style complex was at full capacity nearly a year in advance of its opening.

"The Western View construction project is part of a continuous long-range housing and dining assessment and improvement strategy," says Dr. Diane Anderson, vice president for student affairs. "We are very excited about moving ahead quickly in the coming months to address the current demand for on-campus housing. We look forward to providing additional information to the WMU community in the near future when details become available."

Western View Phase II reflects WMU's commitment to having updated learning-oriented facilities that support ongoing recruitment and retention efforts, Anderson says. She points out that comfortable and modern residential communities provide opportunities for students to maintain strong connections with the University while they pursue their future academic and career goals.

During a meeting of the WMU Board of Trustees in April, WMU President John M. Dunn discussed and broadly outlined plans for campus housing and dining enhancements. The basic premise of his message to the community at that time was to "stay tuned" as new projects are announced and brought online with an aggressive timetable.

Additional details will be announced in the coming weeks as plans for the construction effort are finalized. They also will be posted at, a site that outlines housing and dining resources on campus and recent accomplishments in those areas.