Students, public invited to annual Study Abroad Fair

Study Abroad Fair flier.
Professors as well as students who have studied abroad will be on hand to talk to attendees.

KALAMAZOO, Mich—Information about making an overseas learning experience part of a degree program will be conveniently located in one place Wednesday, Sept. 28, when Western Michigan University holds its annual Study Abroad Fair.

The free event is set from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. outdoors on the mall in front of Sangren Hall.

Fair attendees will have a chance to speak with WMU students who have studied and interned abroad, as well as with professors from the University who coordinate programs and courses around the globe.

WMU study abroad specialists also will be available to answer questions, as will representatives from non-WMU organizations providing more than 100 study and work programs conducted worldwide.

Prospective study abroad students will learn about completing internships with overseas companies and numerous academic and language-intensive programs.

Options include studying book arts in Northern Europe, international development in Peru and pediatric rehabilitation in Jamaica, as well as studying languages such as Chinese, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Japanese. Many of these options are taught in English.

The 2016 Study Abroad Fair will offer free pizza and giveaways to students, WMU faculty and staff members, and the community at large.

For more information, visit or find the event on Facebook. Direct questions to Korey Force, WMU study abroad outreach specialist, at or (269) 387-5890. For campus maps and directions to WMU, visit

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