Solution Squad helps students solve problems, connect with resources to build success

Contact: Erin Flynn

KALAMAZOO, Mich.—No Bronco left behind. That's the mantra Mo Brooks and Joshua Conley live by. Leading Western Michigan University's Solution Squad, which is part of Merze Tate College, these student success navigators are putting their problem-solving prowess to work setting students on the path to success. It's a mission inspired by the college's namesake, distinguished alumna Dr. Merze Tate.

A portrait of .

Mo Brooks

"If you look at the story of Merze Tate, it's one of struggle, hardship and overcoming. Her entire life, especially after she moved on from WMU, was about helping students, helping others. And I think that's what the Solution Squad does," says Brooks, who earned a bachelor's in social psychology from Western in 2015.

"Merze Tate broke boundaries—in education and so much more beyond education. That's something that we want to embody, too, is breaking down boundaries for students as proactively as possible," adds Conley, also a Western alumnus, who earned a bachelor's in psychology in 2016 and master's in educational leadership in 2020.

The Solution Squad began as a way to help students connect with resources and answer questions as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded in 2020. But its purpose has evolved to better serve students, taking a more proactive approach to identify those who are struggling and help them get back on track to achieving their goals.

"We both have a team of student employees who make hundreds, probably thousands of calls a semester to students who have low midterm grades or academic concern forms from their professors," says Brooks, adding they also look for students who haven't yet registered for classes when deadlines are approaching. "We're not waiting for students to find us. We're reaching out to say, 'It doesn't matter who you are, what you believe, if you're a part of this University, we want to see you succeed. We want to help you. And we're here to ensure you get the same resources that everybody else has access to.’"

A portrait of .

Joshua Conley

The team is available for questions related to academics, financial aid, University programming and well-being services. Simply put, whatever the student concern, the squad will have an answer or work to make a connection with someone who does.

"One of our goals is really to bring the University together more—where you have a hub that if you need something, you know you can go to the Solution Squad and you're going to receive kindness, love and support, and you're going to receive accurate information to help you complete what you start," says Brooks.

"We want students to succeed because we genuinely care about students' success and their well-being," Conley adds.

Students are encouraged to connect with the Solution Squad on its webpage, which also includes information to reach out to Brooks or Conley directly. A comprehensive list of University services available to students is also online.

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