PA program announcements

Tami Gaishin and Jessica Wilson

Welcome to Tamara Gaishin, our new director of clinical education! Tami is a 2012 graduate who has been working in palliative care in St. Joseph, Michigan. She will be working closely with Donna Stoker, our clinical rotations coordinator and we are thrilled to have her on board.

Welcome to Jessica Wilson, our new clinical faculty specialist who started on July 1! Jessica is a 2003 graduate from the PA program at George Washington University in Washington DC. She brings 15 years of clinical experience in both primary care and inpatient internal medicine to the classroom. We are fortunate to have her as part of our faculty.

Denise Bowen retired from her position as interim chair/program director and associate professor on June 30, 2018. She plans to continue teaching Health Promotion and Patient Counseling while she embarks on new adventures.

David Areaux and Drew Zolp

David Areaux has accepted the responsibilities as the interim chair/program director as we continue the search for the permanent chair.

Drew Zolp, class of 2009, has been working as a clinical faculty specialist for the program since 2013. He has now accepted an assistant professor position with us and we are expecting great things from him! He has many years of experience in inpatient medicine and is currently doing clinical work in urgent care.