WMU PA students contribute funds and win accolades

Every year at the annual American Academy of Physician Assistants conference, the Physician Assistant Foundation selects a local charity to support and creates a friendly contest among the nation’s physician assistant student societies to see which can demonstrate the most support. For the 2014 conference last May in Boston, the charity chosen was the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, an organization that provides access to high quality health care for homeless men, women and children in the greater Boston area.

In the six weeks of fund raising, our PA students, faculty, staff and friends raised $3,112 to support the charity, the highest amount collected by any PA student society in the nation. Team WMU PA was declared the official winner of the contest! Thanks to faculty advisor Master Faculty Specialist Phil Walcott for inspiration and guidance, and thanks and congratulations to the team for generously supporting health care for the homeless in Boston.

Photo of the WMU PA team.

Team WMU PA members celebrate a fund raising win.