paper engineering students
$7 million
in scholarship support awarded
corporate partners
median starting salary
—2021-22 Career Outcomes Report
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Scholarship Support
The PTF offers an unprecedented scholarship program to support students entering the most sustainable industry—the paper industry.

Student Engagement
The Paper Technology Foundation and the TAPPI Ts'ai Lun organization facilitate engagement activities to foster your personal and professional development and to create a community for successful career outcomes.

Program Curriculum
Western Michigan University offers 1 of 4 ABET-accredited paper engineering programs in the United States, providing coursework in sustainable fiber-based products and technologies.
Academic Department
The Department of Chemical and Paper Engineering provides curriculum and research experience through coursework.
Paper Technology Foundation
The PTF supports the relationship between the academic department and corporate partners, manages the paper engineering scholarship program, and provides guidance to align the curriculum to industry needs.
WMU Paper Pilot Plant
The WMU Paper Pilot Plant provides workforce and facility solutions for research, product development, and education. They serve Western Michigan University, the public, and educational communities within the paper and allied industries.
The amount of support the Paper Technology Foundation has given me throughout my college career is like nothing I have ever seen before.
—Caleb Breining, paper engineering student