Engagement Planning Session RSVP

Please RSVP to attend an interactive Engagement Planning Session to discuss the results of the employee engagement survey conducted late last spring and plan some next steps to enhance our workplace.

Some of the survey results were quite positive while others suggest a need for real action to improve if we are to realize our goal of being a school of choice for all of our community and stakeholders. The senior leaders are committed to a clear-eyed, fearless assessment of our culture and to engaging with you in designing and taking steps to enhance our environment. The accomplishment of these ideals require broad team engagement and can’t be accomplished by any single individual.

The question that I will bring to the Engagement Planning Sessions is this: How can we work as one collective team to advance our ideals? The members of the cabinet and I look forward to seeing you at one of the sessions.

Monday, Sept. 30, 9:30-11 a.m.
Bernhard Center, North Ballroom
Reception with light refreshments immediately following
Tuesday, Oct. 1, 3:30-5 p.m.
Bernhard Center, West Ballroom
Reception with light refreshments immediately following
RSVP information
Please join us for one or both sessions (required)