COVID-19 and How It Has Impacted Living Americans Today

Posted by Ugonna Dike on

If you have not been sitting under a rock for the past 5 to 6 months, you may know that we are dealing with a deadly virus that is called COVID-19 or the Coronavirus. No, it doesn’t matter which term you decide to use. At the end of the day it is a very deadly virus. As of today (October 15, 2020) when I am writing this blog 1.05 million people worldwide have died to COVID-19 (Worldometer, 2020). Perhaps you, or a family member may have tested positive. Or you have read about your favorite celebrity testing positive for the virus. At the end of the day it is a very deadly virus. As individuals, social wellness is very important than ever before because we all have a role to play during the pandemic to be responsible and protect ourselves and others from the spread.             

How to Stay Safe: Protect Yourself and Others

There are ways to prevent the spreading of the virus by following CDC guidelines (CDC, 2020). Many of us have stayed isolated in our homes for long periods of time. However, there are times where we have to go out to take care of essentials. Here are some important steps to keep you and your loved ones safe from COVID-19.

  • Wear your mask
  • Wash your hands
  • Distance and stay 6 feet apart from people you do not know
  • Sanitize immediately after leaving any store
  • Avoid places with large gatherings
  • Get sleep, maintain a proper diet, and exercise
  • Stay home if you are sick

Yes, you may have heard these things over and over again, but unfortunately cases are still rising, and this must be taken seriously. In the month of October alone, there has been 50,000 new cases in the U.S for three consecutive days. As for a timetable for when this is going to end, we may never really know. Pandemics never really just end that quickly; it takes a good amount of time to control a contagious disease. The last pandemic was almost a century ago, and that pandemic (the Spanish flu) took two years. The good news is we are not as close to the amount of deaths worldwide as the Spanish flu, which killed over 20 million to 50 million people (CDC, 2019). I guess the fortunate side of things is that the technology and medicines in comparison to those days are better now, but we must still stay safe. 

The Social Wellness Impact of American Lives Today

As far as the social wellness impact goes, our lives have completely changed over just a course of a few months. Many shopping malls, schools, gyms, concerts, sporting events, and even travel was put on hold. It is like the whole country was put on pause as many people lost their jobs. Small businesses took the brunt of it all as many had to shut down due to the virus. According to data in September 60% of business closures are now permanent since the outbreak started (Sundaram, 2012).  

While some businesses have been opening up, the rise in COVID-19 makes the future unknown. Large gatherings are still prohibited, which means going to sporting events, concerts, or even festivals are still a no-go. Mask are required everywhere you go. No matter where you go, you simply have no idea who is following protocol and/or who might have the virus.  People can be asymptomatic. It feels as though we are at war with an invisible enemy as we are leaving the house coming across people at stores and touching things that may be infected. Even testing has become normalized now. Someone could test negative tomorrow, but then the next week test positive. COVID-19’s impact continues as we fight this. 

Will We Get Through COVID-19?

I end with a sense of hope. I do believe that we will get through COVID-19. Has it been a long year? Yes. Remember pandemics do not last forever. Vaccines are in sight. Has the damage been done? Yes. Unfortunately, many people lost loved ones to this virus. However, it is important that we continue to use steps in keeping others and ourselves safe from COVID-19. If I am to leave the three most important steps on keeping each other safe from COVID-19, I would end on these three things:

  1. Wash your hands
  2. Wear your facemask
  3. Keep six feet away from strangers

 These are the most important steps that are not just going to slow the spread, but it will keep you and your family safe. Overall, I feel like with new technology, medicine, and experience, we will know how to prepare or even avoid the next global pandemic because by God’s grace we can all hope this never happens again. 


CDC. (2019). 1918 pandemic (H1N1 virus).

Sundaram, A. (2020), Yelp data shows 60% of business closures due to the coronavirus pandemic are now permanent,

Worldometers. (2020). COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.